



美式发音: [ˈmʌlˌberi] 英式发音: [ˈmʌlb(ə)ri]






n.1.a tree that produces small purple or white fruit that you can eat; a small purple or white fruit that grows on the mulberry tree2.a dark purple color

1.桑椹 Loganberries 罗甘莓 Mulberries 桑椹 Raspberries 树莓,红莓,覆盆子 ...

2.人工港的名称为桑椹 240038 Loganberries 罗甘莓 240039 Mulberries 桑葚 240040 Raspberries 悬 …

4.杯桑葚Sloes)、草 梅(Strawberries)、桑椹等(Mulberries)、醋栗(Gooseberries)、蓝莓(Blueberries)、越橘 (Cranberries)、莲雾(Waxa…

6.椹等椹等(Mulberries)、醋栗(Gooseberries)、蓝莓(Blueberries)、越橘(Cranberries)、莲雾(Waxapple)、山楂(Medlar)、奇异果(Kiwi …


1.There were two "Mulberries" , one in the American landing area and the other in the British.“桑葚”有两个:一个在美军登陆地域,一个在英军登陆地域。

2.The mulberry jam is prepared from fresh mulberries, thereby having natural taste and flavor of the natural mulberries and high nutrition.本发明采用加入新鲜桑果制备桑果酱,从而使得产品具有天然桑果的真实感和风味,营养成分高。

3.These "Mulberries" failed to withstand the test of the storm and were dismantled in the waves.这些“桑葚”没能经受住暴风雨的考验,在滔天的巨浪中纷纷解体。

4.I hear the song of the nightingales, and I smell crushed mulberries.我听见夜莺的歌声,我闻到压碎的桑葚味道。

5.Purple red colour. Youngberries and mulberries on the nose, followed through on the palate supported by well integrated, ripe tannins.色泽紫红,闻之有杨氏草莓和桑椹的果味,入口后感觉单宁成熟而平衡。

6.The mixture comprises mulberry leaves, mulberries, cassia seeds, asparagus, ply roots and senna leaves.所述的混合物包括:桑叶、桑葚、决明子、天冬、百合和蕃泻叶。

7.They feed on some 300 species of plant, including figs, mulberries, corn, citrus fruits as well as soybeans, legumes and weeds.它们以300种植物为食,包括无花果,桑椹,玉米,柑橘类水果以及大豆,豆类和杂草。

8.Opportunities and Challenges of Silk Industry in the Eastern Region after "Moving Mulberries from East to West"“东桑西移”带给东部地区茧丝绸业的机遇和挑战

9.During the festival, street hawkers sell cherries and mulberries.市井小贩也于端午节兜售樱桃和桑葚。

10.He advocated the planting of cash crops such as cotton, mulberries and hemp, offering tax exemptions as an incentive.提倡种植棉、桑、麻等经济作物,免除他们三年的赋税。