


美式发音: [haʊnd] 英式发音: [haʊnd]




复数:hounds  现在分词:hounding  过去式:hounded  同义词


n.wolfhound,deerhound,basset hound,foxhound,greyhound


hound显示所有例句n.— see alsoAfghan hound,bloodhound,foxhound,greyhound,wolfhound

1.猎犬;猎狗a dog that can run fast and has a good sense of smell, used for hunting


1.~ sb追踪;追逐;纠缠to keep following sb and not leave them alone, especially in order to get sth from them or ask them questions

They were hounded day and night by the press.他们日夜遭到新闻界的跟踪。


v.1.用猎狗打猎;追逐;迫害2.嗾使,煽动 (on) 使追逐 (at)

n.1.a dog used for hunting other animals or for racing; a dog of any type

v.1.to follow someone in a determined way in order to get something from them2.to force someone to leave a place or job by always being unpleasant to them

1.猎犬 FOX/ 狐 HOUND/ 猎犬 MANTIS/ 螳螂 ...

2.猎狗 Ser Mandon Moore 曼登.穆尔爵士 Hound 猎狗 King Joffery 乔佛里国王 ...

3.卑鄙的人 hostage 人质 hound 猎狗;卑鄙的人 household 家庭,家人 ...

4.角鲨 hostile a. 敌对的;不友好的 hound n. 狗;角鲨;卑鄙的人 hover vi. 徘徊;傍徨;翱翔 ...

5.不断骚扰 hop v. 单脚跳,(鸟,蛙等)跳跃 hound n. 猎狗 v.不断骚扰 housing n. 供给住宅,住宅群 ...

6.追逐 hour n. 小时,点钟 hound n. 猎狗 v.追逐 house n. 房子,剧场,家 ...

7.猎兽犬体格看起来壮硕的波音达犬,一 看就知道和猎兽犬(hound)血缘关系相近。猎鸟时,波音达犬或雪达犬 的行动和猎雕犬有别, …


1.Located just a half hour's drive from Honolulu, Waimanalo stretches out lazily along the coast pke a sleeping hound.距檀香山处于仅仅半小时的车程,纳罗伸出懒洋洋地沿着像一个沉睡的猎犬的海岸。

2.Sam, a lonely garbage hound who pves at the dump, goes home with Rosie and her mother and discovers the joys of a loving home.萨姆是生活在垃圾堆旁边的一只孤独的猎狗,有一天,罗西和她的妈妈把萨姆带回了家,在这个充满爱的家庭里萨姆感受到了从未有过的快乐。

3.One day a man came to my hut from Lexington to inquire after his hound that made a large track, and had been hunting for a week by himself.有一天,有人从列克星敦到了我的木屋,打听他的猎犬,它自己追逐了很长一段路,已经有一个星期了。

4.Together the three royals are given to the breeze, that follows out to see pke the baying of a hound.三支最高的桅帆给轻风吹动,轻风像猎犬的吠声一路跟着我们。

5.I was lying in bed one night trying to figure out a way I could get some dogs when I heard the deep baying of a coon hound.一天夜里,我躺在床上,正琢磨着怎么才能弄到狗的时候,屋外传来一只猎浣熊犬低沉的吠声。

6.When a divergence of MACD-Histogram fails to produce a reversal, it gives a Hound of the Baskervilles signal.当MACD柱背离不能产生反转,它就发出了巴斯克维尔猎犬信号。

7.And now I under stand how Selden knew that the hound was following him in the dark.我现在也明白塞尔登是怎么明白那只猎犬在黑暗中跟在他后面的了。

8.By the time I went to Devonshire I knew that there was a real hound, and I knew we were looking for a man and a wom an.在我去德文郡之前我已知道那儿有只活生生的猎犬,还知道我们将要寻觅一位男子和一位女士。

9.Second, the skinny bustles briskly all day pke a hound searching for tough problems to tackle, as if the world wouldn't turn without them.瘦子成天行色匆匆,像猎犬一样寻找着需要他们解决的棘手问题(toughproblems),仿佛这世界离了他们就不转了似的。

10.The FBI can jail him but the IRS will hound him for the rest of his pfe, in fact, even after he is dead they will hound him.联邦调查局可以坐牢他,但国税局将猎犬他余生,事实上,即使是在他死时,他们就会猎犬他。