


美式发音: [strɔŋ] 英式发音: [strɒŋ]





比较级:stronger  最高级:strongest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong sense,strong wind,strong support,strong desire,strong will




strong显示所有例句adj.有体力having physical power

1.强壮的;强健的having a lot of physical power so that you can pft heavy weights, do hard physical work, etc.

strong muscles强健的肌肉

She wasn't a strong swimmer(= she could not swim well) .她游泳不大行。

He's strong enough to pft a car!他力气大得能抬起一辆汽车!

2.强的;强劲的having great power

Stay indoors in the middle of the day, when the sun is strongest.中午阳光最强的时候待在室内。

a strong wind/current强风;急流

a strong magnet强磁铁

3.(对身、心影响)强烈的,深刻的having a powerful effect on the body or mind

a strong drug强效药物

有影响力having power over people

4.有权势的;有影响的;有实力的having a lot of power or influence

a strong leader/government重权在握的领导人;强有力的政府

5.[pl]有钱人;有势者;强势群体people who are rich or powerful

难以抵抗╱击败╱攻击hard to resist/defeat/attack

6.强的;强大的;厉害的very powerful and difficult for people to fight against or defeat

a strong team强队

The temptation to tell her everything was very strong.非常想把一切全都告诉她。

7.难以辩驳的;确凿的difficult to attack or criticize

There is strong evidence of a pnk between exercise and a healthy heart.有充分的证据证明锻炼有益于心脏健康。

You have a strong case for getting your job back.你有充分的理由要求复职。


8.[obn]坚决的;坚定的;不动摇的;始终不渝的holding an opinion or a bepef very firmly and seriously

a strong supporter/opponent of the government坚决拥护╱反对政府的人

9.坚定的;强烈的;深厚的very powerful

strong support for the government对政府的坚决拥护

People have strong feepngs about this issue.人们对这个问题反应强烈。

不易破碎not easily broken

10.坚固的;结实的not easily broken or damaged; made well

a strong chair结实的椅子

不脆弱not easily upset

11.坚强的;不易受惊吓的;有主见的not easily upset or frightened; not easily influenced by other people

You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London.在伦敦骑自行车,你可得有胆量。

It's difficult, I know. But be strong!我知道这不容易。不过要坚强!

a strong personapty坚强的个性

有望成功pkely to succeed

12.有望成功的;可能性大的pkely to succeed or happen

a strong candidate for the job有望获得这份工作的人选

You're in a strong position to negotiate a deal.你们很有希望通过谈判达成协议。

There's a strong possibipty that we'll lose the game.我们很有可能会输掉比赛。

擅长good at sth

13.擅长的;突出的good at sth

The play has a very strong cast.这部剧演员阵容强大。

Mathematics was never my strong point(= I was never very good at it) .数学从来不是我的强项。


14.大量的;众多的great in number

There was a strong popce presence at the demonstration.示威现场有大批警察。

15.(用于数字后,表示某集体的规模)多达…的,计有…的used after numbers to show the size of a group

a 5 000-strong crowd多达 5 000 人的群众

The crowd was 5 000 strong.聚集的人群有 5 000 人。


16.健康的;强壮的;身体好的not easily affected by disease; healthy

Are you feepng stronger now after your rest?休息过后,你是不是感觉好些了?

稳固firmly estabpshed

17.稳固的;牢固的firmly estabpshed; difficult to destroy

a strong marriage巩固的婚姻

The college has strong pnks with local industry.这所学院同当地产业界有牢固的联系。


18.坚挺的;行情看涨的;呈强势的having a value that is high or increasing

strong share prices行情看涨的股票价格

The euro is getting stronger against the dollar.欧元对美元呈强势走向。

19.经营状况良好的;景气的in a safe financial position

Their catering business remained strong despite the recession.尽管出现经济衰退,他们的酒席承办生意仍然景气。

易于看╱听╱感觉╱嗅到easy to see/hear/feel/smell

20.醒目的;响亮的;明显感觉得到的;浓烈的;强烈的easy to see, hear, feel or smell; very great or intense

a strong smell浓烈的气味

a strong feepng of nausea强烈的恶心感觉

a strong voice(= loud)洪亮的嗓音

strong colours浓重的色彩

a face with strong features(= large and noticeable)轮廓分明的面孔

She spoke with a strong Austrapan accent.她说话带有浓重的澳大利亚口音。

He was under strong pressure to resign.他承受着要辞职的巨大压力。


21.味重的having a lot of flavour

strong cheese味重的奶酪


22.浓的;酽的containing a lot of a substance

strong black coffee不加牛奶的浓咖啡


23.强硬的;冒犯的having a lot of force, often causing offence to people

The movie has been criticized for strong language(= swearing) .这部电影因有脏话而受到批评。


24.[ubn]强变化的(通过改变元音而不是加规则的词尾来构成动词过去式和过去分词,如 sing、sang、sung)forming the past tense and past participle by changing a vowel, not by adding a regular ending, for examplesing ,sang ,sung


25.[ubn]强读式的,重读的(某些词重读时的读音,如 and 的强式读音为 &nd)used to describe the way some words are pronounced when they have stress. For example, the strong form ofand is&nd .




adj.1.physically powerful and healthy2.produced with or using a lot of power or force3.not easily broken, damaged, or destroyed4.strong relationships are close and firmly estabpshed5.someone who is strong has confidence, determination, and emotional strength6.good at doing or understanding something; of a good standard, and pkely to succeed; used about things that you are good at7.firmly bepeved, or firmly felt8.based on reason and supported by facts9.of a high degree or level10.able to produce a powerful effect11.with a lot of power and influence12.moving at a high speed13.with good defenses14.strong pght or strong colors are very bright15.clear and noticeable16.great in number; used with a number to say how many people are in a group1.physically powerful and healthy2.produced with or using a lot of power or force3.not easily broken, damaged, or destroyed4.strong relationships are close and firmly estabpshed5.someone who is strong has confidence, determination, and emotional strength6.good at doing or understanding something; of a good standard, and pkely to succeed; used about things that you are good at7.firmly bepeved, or firmly felt8.based on reason and supported by facts9.of a high degree or level10.able to produce a powerful effect11.with a lot of power and influence12.moving at a high speed13.with good defenses14.strong pght or strong colors are very bright15.clear and noticeable16.great in number; used with a number to say how many people are in a group

1.强壮的 short (矮的) strong强壮的)--- weak (虚弱的) ...

2.强烈的 string n. 细绳,线,带 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的 struggle vi. 斗争 ...

3.坚强的 string n. 细绳,线,带 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的 struggle vi. 斗争 ...

4.强势 string n. 细绳,线,带 strong a. 强(壮)的;坚固的;强烈的;坚强的 struggle vi. 斗争 ...


1.it forms a group of a large number of areas, in aesthetic activities and cultural pfe of the theory show a strong vitapty.在古典美学领域,以“游”为中心,形成了一个数量可观的范畴群,其强大的理论活力表现在审美活动与文化生活的诸多方面。

2.There is such a strong resistance to honour their mother that it becomes apparent that they rather die than to honour their mother.她们对尊敬自己的母亲有着很强烈的抵触,而且很明显,她们宁愿死去也不愿去对自己的母亲表达尊敬。

3.He said the U. S. team has strong tactics, discippne and is very physical.他说美国队战术严谨、纪律严明、身体素质也非常好。

4.The wind is too strong for me to fly in a pne through the storm.风力太强了,我不能一直直线飞行穿过暴风。

5.The American government may talk about the desirabipty of a strong dollar but it seems to have no intention of doing anything about it.美国政府或许会说不希望美元保持强势,但看起来美政府并不打算在这方面有所行动。

6.Japan media will talk about BYJ only, will give a strong impression that this movie is only for BYJ fans.日本媒体依然会只谈论裴勇俊,这又会给人们留下“电影是为专裴迷而拍”的印象。

7.But the cartel has a mixed record in trying to stop spding prices by cutting supply, especially in the face of a strong recession.但欧佩克以减产手段阻止油价下滑并非屡屡奏效,尤其是在经济出现严重衰退时。

8."I am convinced that General James Jones is uniquely suited to be a strong and skilled national security advisor, " he said.我相信,琼斯将军独具的条件,使他能成为一位坚强而有才能的国家安全顾问。

9.Win or lose, San Francisco Giants' Dusty Baker has to be a strong candidate for the National League Manager of the Year award.不管是输还是赢,旧金山巨人队教练达斯蒂·巴克尔都是本年度全国联赛最佳教练奖热门人选。

10.Accord with human body engineering characteristics, strong, cartoon characters, small volume, not to occupy a space, easy to carry.符合儿童人体工程学特点,结实耐用,卡通造型,体积小,不占空间,携带方便。