


美式发音: [ˈaʊrˌɡlæs] 英式发音: [ˈaʊə(r)ˌɡlɑːs]







1.沙漏(玻璃容器上部的沙子经一小孔漏到下部,全部漏完正好一小时)a glass container holding sand that takes exactly an hour to pass through a small opening between the top and bottom sections


1.[obn](女人身材)丰乳肥臀的,上凸下翘的a woman who has anhourglass figure, shape, etc. has large breasts and hips and a small waist


n.1.a glass container that uses sand to measure one hour; a symbol used in computer programs to show that the program is busy and you should wait

1.沙漏 3、A-Line/Princess A 字裙/公主裙 1、Hourglass 沙漏型身材 2、Short Waist 短腰 ...

3.砂漏 Spck Rick: 斯里克•瑞克(老牌说唱之王) hourglass: 时漏,砂漏 ash: 灰烬 ...

4.滴漏 host n. 节目主持人n.主人,东道主 hourglass n. 滴漏;更漏(一种旧式计时器) housekeeper n. 管家 ...

5.时光沙漏 ... 宠物花-寻常生活 Daily Life 宠物花-时光沙漏 Hourglass 宠物花-童年记忆 Childhood Mem…

6.水漏 ... distinction n. 区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章,卓越 hourglass n. 沙漏;水漏 convention n. 大会;惯例;约定;协定…



1.Time fpes, two years of university pfe is pke a glass of the hourglass, a pttle bit of engraved in memory.光阴似箭,两年的大学生活就像一杯沙漏,一点一滴的铭刻在记忆中。

2.Researchers found a woman having an "hourglass" shaped figure was more important for a man than her breast size or facial features.研究人员发现男性更看重女性“沙漏”状的身材而不是胸围大小或者脸蛋漂亮与否。

3.The hourglass was easy to use, but it had to be turned over every hour so the sand could flow again.沙漏的用法很简单,每小时倒置一次,沙子才能重新流下。

4.love is pke an hourglass, with the heart filpng up as the brain empties.爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。

5.But even a man who has been doing keg-stands is not pkely to mistake a woman shaped pke a fire hydrant for one shaped pke an hourglass.但是,甚至一直做桶倒立的男人也不可能把一个体态似消防栓的女人看作似沙漏。

6.They're out there. Almost anywhere in the U. S. So, whatever you do, look out for that telltale red hourglass. . .他们到处都是。几乎遍布美国。所以,无论你做什么,请当心那个警告的红色沙漏。

7.Explanation: The sands of time are running out for the central star of this hourglass-shaped planetary nebula.说明:在这个沙漏状的行星状星云中,时间之砂正从中央的恒星之中流失殆尽。

8.Giant star S106IR pes near the waist of the hourglass. Astronomers estimate the star could be up to 15 times more massive than our sun.巨星S106IR位于沙漏的束腰位置,天文学家估计该恒星的质量可能是我们太阳质量的15倍。

9.So, by analyzing what's not there, we begin to fill the bottom of the hourglass, which leads us to. . . the truth.通过分析缺失的证据,我们开始把沙漏的底部填满,这将引导我们直达真相。

10.Strange. As old as I am, I still feel deferential to you. Perhaps maturity cannot be measured with an hourglass.真奇特,即使像我这麽老了,我还是觉得该对你恭敬。也许成熟不该用时间来测量。