


美式发音: [ˈaʊrp] 英式发音: [ˈaʊə(r)p]







1.每小时(一次)的done or happening every hour

an hourly bus service每小时一班的公共汽车

Trains leave at hourly intervals.火车每隔一小时发出一列。

2.(工资、酬金、费用等)按钟点计算的,论小时的anhourly wage, fee, rate, etc. is the amount that you earn every hour or pay for a service every hour

an hourly rate of $30 an hour每小时 30 元的收费率


1.每小时(一次)地every hour

Reapply sunscreen hourly and after swimming.每小时以及游泳后重新抹一次防晒霜。

Dressings are changed four hourly(= every four hours) to help prevent infection.每四小时更换一次敷料,以防感染。



adj.1.happening once every hour2.relating to one hour of work

adv.1.once every hour2.someone who is paid hourly is paid an amount of money for each hour of work3.often, or all the time

1.每小时 hr tel/ph:telphone 电话 cellphone hrly:hourly 每小时 temp:temporarily 临时性(工作) ...

2.每小时的 worldly 世间的 hourly 每小时的 daily 每日的,日报 ...

3.每小时地 quarterly 按季度的,季刊 hourly 每小时地 daily 每日地 ...

4.以小时的 Occupation( 职业 ) hourly( 以小时的 ) perks( 津贴 ) ...

5.时薪 ... ² friendly (表示人物):友好的,友谊的 ² hourly (表示时间):每小时的,时时的 until 如果不, …

7.小时工的年薪(ANNUAL SALARY);另一些员工是小时工hourly),对于这些员工,公司关心了解他们的小时工资(HOURLY P…


1.As with a system configuration, the normal Cron facipty should be used for hourly or other intervals that are shorter than a day.和系统配置一样,普通Cron工具应当每小时运行一次或使用小于一天的时间间隔。

2.For starters, I convinced my boss to let me consult on an hourly basis until they found a replacement.开始,我说服我的老板对我按小时计薪,直到找到替代我的员工。

3.Day-trading chews up a great deal of time. You have to ask yourself whether the hourly pay is better in longer-term trading.日内交易消耗时间。你要问问自己,你的付出回报是否比做长线多。

4.Jamey was at her workstation processing the hourly reports when Milo Pressman appeared at her shoulder. "Hey, check it out. "雅梅在自己的工作站处理每小时一次的报告,米洛·普雷斯曼出现在她身后:“嘿,你瞧。”

5.First, if you multiply your hourly rate by the amount assigned to each element, that's how much you can spend each week on that element.第一,你的时薪乘以平均分配给每个目标的数额,得出的数字就是每星期你能花在梦想上的金额。

6.Based on the length of the project, regular communication might be hourly, daily, or every few days.根据项目的时间,定期的沟通可以是每小时的、每天的、或是几天。

7.This project is for your best hourly rate, so please email me with your hourly rate.该项目是您最好的每小时收费,所以请发电子邮件联系时薪我。

8.I suggested that we use their platform on the incoming text messages from Haiti to get a general sense of changing mood on an hourly basis.我建议我们使用他们的平台接收从海地传来的短信,获得一个每小时情绪变化情况的整体感知。

9.When Lauren became his manager, she told him that he was not giving the passengers hourly updates on arrival times, as was expected of him.当Lauren成为他的经理后,她告诉他没有像公司期望的那样,他没有给客户按每小时一次提供到达时间的更新。

10.Most of these workers have no college education and get hourly wages that are on the low end of the scale.此类职业的大多数人并无大学教育背景、获得低端的小时费的工资。