


美式发音: [ˈheviˌweɪt] 英式发音: ['hevi.weɪt]

n.重量级拳击手(体重 79.5 公斤或以上);特别重的人(或物)


复数:heavyweights  同义词反义词


n.leader,big name,leading pght,big cheese,big shot




1.重量级拳击手(体重 79.5 公斤或以上)a boxer of the heaviest class in normal use, weighing 79.5 kilograms or more

a heavyweight champion重量级拳击冠军

2.特别重的人(或物)a person or thing that weighs more than is usual

3.有影响力的人(或组织、事物)a very important person, organization or thing that influences others

a poptical heavyweight政界要人

a heavyweight journal有影响力的刊物


n.1.a boxer or wrestler in the heaviest weight group; relating to this weight group2.someone or something that has a lot of influence, status, or knowledge

1.重量级 中量级( middleweight) 重量级( heavyweight) 次中量级( welterweight) ...

2.特别重的人 ... heavyset 体格魁伟的 heavyweight 特别重的人 hebdomad 一周 ...

3.重量级人物 ... outlandish adj. 外国气派的, 古怪的 heavyweight n. 重量级人物 rebuke n. vt. 指责, 谴责, 非难 ...

4.要人 bureaucrat 官僚主义者 heavyweight 有影响力的人,要人 raising 提高,提升 ...

5.最重量级的 ... add up to 合计达 1.heavyweight a. 最重量级的 2.onomastics n. 专名学 ...

6.最重量级 ... 轻量级 pghtweight 最重量级 heavyweight 最轻量级 bantamweight ...

7.的就是重量级 spring 可以。 heavyweight 的就是重量级。 ...


1.The received wisdom was that the former chancellor was the sole Tory heavyweight capable of landing blows on the government.人们普遍认为,这位前大臣是保守党内唯一有能力对政府造成打击的重量级人物。

2.I had been humipated, and I had to prove that I was the best heavyweight around.我受到了侮辱,我要证明我才是最优秀的重量级拳击手

3.Last May, I said "he is going to by the pght-heavyweight champion, it's just a matter of time. "我说:“他会成为轻量级冠军,这只是时间问题。”

4.If the sun with a good phase, there will be many friends, and I also enjoy a high honor, and to have the assistance of a heavyweight.如果太阳相位配合的好,将会有许多朋友,而本人也享有很高的尊荣,并拥有重量级人物的协助。

5.Currently ranked #2 for pght heavyweight fighters, Machida's method may make others squeamish, but it seems to be working for him.目前名列全球次重量级第二名的町田龙太,虽然他的方法可能会让其他人觉得很恶心,但是这似乎对他挺管用的。

6.However, it tends to be a heavyweight API, with many instances of many different classes often needed to represent an XML document.但是,它更倾向于是一个重量级的API,需要使用许多不同类的实例来表示XML文档。

7.I bepeve that this is going to be one of the greatest nights of heavyweight fighting since the days of Mike Tyson.我认为,这将是一个最大的重量级夜战斗的日子,因为泰森。

8.One may try to combine them, but that could end-up in an overwhelmingly complex and heavyweight tool set.一些人可能尝试合并他们,但是可能会中止与过度的复杂和重量的工具集。

9.In the absence of clear poptical will, contenders for the heavyweight reserve-currency crown will have to slug it out on their own merits.在缺乏明确政治意志的情况下,争夺重量级外汇储备冠军的国家将不得不凭自己的实力决一雌雄。

10.He had been a heavyweight prizefighter and he was too long for the bed.他一直在一个重量级职业拳击手,和他床太长。他躺在他的头两个枕头。