

how many

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na.1网站屏蔽ed for asking or talking about the number of people, things, etc. that there are

1.多少 twenty 二十 howmany 多少 can 能够,可以 ...

2.工作量 Howmany( 工作量):______________________ Why( 为什么):______________________…

3.多少工作量什么工作(what)、怎么样去做(how)、需要 多少工作量(howmany)。

4.几何 几个〖 few;justafew〗 几何〖 howmuch;howmany〗 几经〖 repeated〗 ...

5.多少杆键因素:何地(Where)、何物(What)、以及多少数量(HowMany),标示应清楚明白并易于识别,应采开放式储藏系统,否则各 …

7.多少家 Howtodo( 怎样做) Howmany多少家) Howmuch( 多少钱) ...

8.多少个注://sppce(index,howMany,[val1,[val2..]]) //在数组的某地方(index)插入(或替代)多少个(howMany)值(val1,val2..);a.toString() …


1.The birds used the stone-dropping trick spontaneously and appeared to estimate howmany stones they would need.这些鸟们会本能地运用扔石子的方法,而且好象还会计算需要多少石子。

2.The surprisingthing was to hear howmany animals are indanger. We need toprotect them better.听到有多少动物身处险境是令人惊讶的事情。我们需要更好地保护它们。

3.Now I suspect therefore howmany womenoutthere who know a lesion or rash on the nipple or aureole can be breast cancer.我现在也怀疑有多少妇女知道乳头或乳晕上的痛疤或红疹会发展成骇人的癌症。

4.The sea Tao sound is yearning for which howmany people longs for even in dreams.大海的涛声是多少人梦寐以求的向往。

5.Howmany people are working behind these rankings? Will they visit these collegesthemselves or just read data on the computer?有多少人是专门负责排名这项工作的?他们会亲自走访这些大学吗?还是只是对着电脑屏幕研究数据?

6.Howmany types are taxes divided into?税收可分为多少税种?。

7.No, I haven't. I'man only child. howmany people are there in your family?不我没有,我是独生子,那么你家里有多少人呢?

8.How many scale measurements does it take to know which of eight balls weighs the most? Howmany would 28 balls take?要几种方法才能测算出8个球中哪个最重?如果是28个球呢?

9.However, in the set phrases "how much" and "how many" we cannot replace "many" and "much" with other words. For example然而,在固定词组“howmuch”和“howmany”中,我们不能用其他任何词来带替“many”和“much”。