




1.何雅静 TVXQ_ 圈 00:32 Suey_ 粟儿 00:14 Orz_ 小安子 3-27 ...

3.炒杂拌 ECHAPPé SAUTé : 离地躲跃 sauté suey炒杂拌 Sauté spinach : 炒菠菜 ...

4.黄于秦 杨倩芳 Join 黄于秦 suey 黄子伦 Tzu-Lun Huang ...


1.Actually I do pke Chinese. . . Let's make it a date for Chop Suey and the Martin account at about 12: 30. Does that sound good ?说实话,我确实喜欢吃中餐……那我们就定在12:30一边吃炒杂碎,一边讨论马丁的报告。这样安排不错吧?。

2.whether or not the tale is entirely true , p hung chang definitely influenced the creation of chop suey.不管这个传说是不是真的,李鸿章肯定与杂碎的发明有部分关连。

3.I used to sit on its small balcony overlooking the street and read my book over Chop Suey and beer.我经常坐在它的那个小阳台上,俯视下面的街道,一边吃着炒杂烩,一边品着啤酒。

4.Well I just thought a can of this Chinese chop suey would be kinda tasty.嗯,我仅是想着,一罐中式的炒杂烩将会是种的美味。

5.The food here might not be meat and potatoes, but it's not just rice and chop suey, either.北京的食物不只是肉和土豆,也不只是米饭和大杂烩。

6.You never order sweet-n-sour pork, egg foo young, or chop suey at a Chinese restaurant.你从来不在餐馆点糖醋红烧肉,生鸡蛋,和难吃的美食中餐。

7.You don't order sweet and sour pork, egg foo young, or chop suey at a Chinese restaurant.你在中餐馆不会点咕咾肉、芙蓉蛋或是杂碎(傻子才点呢)。

8.Another such as "chop suey" , and it is in such a way of spine design.另一本如《杂碎》,也是采用这样的书脊设计方式。

9.Chop Suey: The Chinese-American version of a leftover casserole.杂烩蔬菜:华裔版本的一个剩下的砂锅菜。

10.buy everybody chop suey . you understand ?给每人买碗杂菜,你明白吗?