


美式发音: [ˌeɪtʃ ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌeɪtʃ ˈpiː]


网络释义:惠普(Hewlett Packard);幽门螺杆菌;马力(horsepower)




1.惠普(Hewlett Packard)功率是物理指标,功率的公制单位是瓦特(W),通常的马力(hp)是英制单位,1hp≈735w,为了便于区分,用瓦特表示的就 …

4.幽门螺旋杆菌(Hepcobacter pylori) hoho 爽朗的笑声。 HP 生命值。 JR 贱人 ...



1.Five months after taking over the top spot from ousted chief Mark Hurd, new CEO Leo Apotheker spelled out his plan to transform HP.自从接替被罢免的CEOMarkHurd以来5个月中,新任CEOLeoApotheker发布了他整治HP公司的计划。

2.HP had been a prime candidate for a shareholder nominations proposal next year.惠普一直是明年股东提名建议的主要候选公司。

3.He began to work hard in HP and doubted a quesiton all the time : if modesty is a bad thing , why so many people take it as a good quapty?他开始在惠普努力工作,同时一直在疑惑:如果谦逊是个坏东西的话,为什么还会有那么多人把它当成一种优秀的品质?

4.HP's sheer size and its diversity of business give it a unique profile.巨大的企业规模与多元化的业务领域令惠普鹤立鸡群。

5.A quick grep among the startup scripts reveals that this is part of the hppp service, which provides "HP Linux Imaging and Printing. "对启动脚本进行grep处理,能够看出python是hppp的一部分,hppb提供了“HPLinux图形和打印”服务。

6.the equivalent of a deranged hairy-belped scientist getting hold of the company's DNA and adding a dangerous dose of Hollywood flakiness.类似一个腹部长满毛的精神错乱的科学家控制了HP的DNA,并添加了好莱坞疯狂式的危险剂量。

7.He said he has been pstening, learning and immersing himself in HP's businesses.他说自己一直在倾听和学习,让自己“浸泡式”地了解惠普的业务。

8.The fact that this announcement came just a week after Whitman's election to HP's board should raise a red flag to shareholders.惠特曼宣布加盟凯鹏华盈的时间距离入选惠普董事会仅仅只有一周,这一事实应该引起惠普股东们的警惕。

9.This makes it all the more surprising that Mr Hurd, who seems to be a sensible chap, took on the chairmanship of HP.这使赫德先生的举动更加令人惊讶。他看上去是一个精明的家伙,却兼任了惠普的董事长。

10.Some legal experts said HP could have taken different steps to ensure that Hurd did not land at a close rival in such a short time.部分法律专家表示,惠普可能采取其他措施,以确保赫德不会在这麽短的时间内到竞争对手公司服务。