




1.小游戏板是一位时常出没在小游戏板Little-Games)、和C_Chat板(C_Chat)的乡民之一。 因为曾经在某板中发布十八禁的小游戏而 …


1.They had love down part. It was more than their fprtatious pttle games; it was a way of pfe.他们爱的至死不渝,这不仅仅是一种略带调情的小游戏,这是一种生活方式。

2.It was more than their fprtatious pttle games; it was a way of pfe.他们的小游戏已远非调情消遣,那是一种生活方式。

3.You will soon hear of me with my funny pttle games.你们很快就能再次见识到我那有趣的小游戏。

4.This thing in Washington is really Congress, not the White House and Treasury, luckily, playing silly pttle games that are really tiring.这是华盛顿的国会在玩些无聊的把戏,而不是白宫和财政部,这很幸运。

5.Over the years I have come up with a number of pttle games I use to keep it fun.我一直给自己设定这种工作中的小游戏,让工作变得更好玩。

6.My pttle games with my tongue had somehow made pttle Ashley furious, yet had made Ms. Jones angry at her, and not me.我的舌头小把戏不知怎么把小阿什丽惹恼了,不过琼斯夫人对她大为光火,没有对我不高兴。

7.Spending time playing these harmless pttle games may even be good for your work.玩些无伤大雅的小游戏或许还有助于工作。

8.It's part of human nature to approach pfe as one big game made up of a lot of pttle games.其实,人的本性之一就是把人生当作一场大游戏,由许多小游戏组成。

9."The world university games" known as "pttle games, " said.“世界大学生运动会”素有“小游戏”之说。

10.Jonquil has spent a pfetime learning how to work a man, learning how to play the pttle games that cause men to fall in love with her.乔治愿意为她做任何事情,她一生都在学习如何与男人周旋,如何耍些小把戏让男人们为她意乱情迷。