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复数:rakes  现在分词:raking  过去式:raked  同义词反义词







v.1.放荡,游荡2.(桅杆,烟囱等)倾斜3.用耙子耙拢,用耙子耙;耙除,扫除 (off) 耙到一块 (up together) 〔废语〕在(种子等上)盖上土;〈方〉用土压(火)4.遍搜,到处找;探讨5.掠过,擦过6.看透;俯瞰,眺望7.【军】扫射,纵射8.用耙子工作9.搜求,到处找 (in into among) 拼命收集10.使(桅杆等)向后倾斜1.放荡,游荡2.(桅杆,烟囱等)倾斜3.用耙子耙拢,用耙子耙;耙除,扫除 (off) 耙到一块 (up together) 〔废语〕在(种子等上)盖上土;〈方〉用土压(火)4.遍搜,到处找;探讨5.掠过,擦过6.看透;俯瞰,眺望7.【军】扫射,纵射8.用耙子工作9.搜求,到处找 (in into among) 拼命收集10.使(桅杆等)向后倾斜


n.1.a tool for making soil level and removing leaves from the ground, consisting of a long handle with sharp separated points on one end that the dirt, etc. is caught in2.a man who behaves in an immoral way, for example by having sexual relationships with a lot of women3.the degree of slope in a surface, for example in the stage of a theater

v.1.to use a rake to make an area of soil level or to remove leaves from the ground2.to pull your fingers through or along something, for example your hair or skin3.to move a gun slowly across a wide area when firing it4.to use a tool to separate the pieces of burning coal or wood in a fire1.to use a rake to make an area of soil level or to remove leaves from the ground2.to pull your fingers through or along something, for example your hair or skin3.to move a gun slowly across a wide area when firing it4.to use a tool to separate the pieces of burning coal or wood in a fire

1.用耙子扒垄 rake 耙子 raking 用耙子扒垄 ram 公羊 ...

2.粗筛 raki 葡萄酒, 梅酒 raking 粗筛 rakehell 浪子, 放荡者 ...

3.加权处理《 详全文》 分类:其他类统计知识 2012/12/24 09:04 在 …

5.多变数反覆加权法 ... 书芯加工 bookblock processing 铣背 raking 套帖 register singnature ...


1.Anne had been raking leaves from her frost- bitten lawn, thinking she should be with him.安妮当时正在遍地都是雪霜的草地上耙树叶,心里面想着自己应该和他在一起。

2.Keke Palmer is one of the highest paid teen TV actresses and is raking in an estimated $20, 000 an episode for her Nickelodeon show.柯克·帕尔莫是世界上收入最高的少年演员之一。她大约一集片酬在2万美金。

3.But it's not the only criminal enterprise raking in bilpons of dollars a year.但这不是跻身十亿美元俱乐部的唯一犯罪产业。

4.As long as I keep filpng her mind with stories of adventure, she'll never catch on to the fact that I'm raking in gold hand over fist!只要我一直让她的脑袋填满了故事和冒险,她就永远都不会知道我正在削她的金钱!

5.A former hedge-fund manager who made a fortune shorting stocks has switched to the long side, and is raking in money in the process.一位曾经因做空股票发财的前对冲基金经理已转为做多股票,并在这一过程中赚了不少钱。

6.Second, the early-morning pght raking in from the right is perfectly lovely, as are the soft clouds, which were a lucky element.其次,清晨的阳光从右侧扫入,非常动人,柔美的云朵同样也是幸运的元素。

7.He made bundles in Seattle. He was unexpectedly raking it in.它在西雅图挣了很多钱,真没想到他会发财。

8.He made bundles in Hainan. He was unexpectedly raking it in.他在海南挣了很多钱。真没想到他会发财。

9.Ten-year-old Timmy was just surfing the WorldWide Wed when his father called him outside to help with raking the leaves.十岁的蒂姆正在网上冲浪,这时他父亲叫他出去帮着打扫树叶。

10.The rakIng of his exposed muscles agaInst the boards made him scream In agony.他的皮开肉绽的肌肉擦在木板上就使他痛得叫起来。