




1.硬度硬度换算表 洛氏硬度 C 级硬度HRC) 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 …

2.洛氏硬度洛氏硬度(HRC)、布氏硬度对照洛氏硬度(HRC)、布氏硬度对照隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 weifuguan520贡献于2011-04-16 …

3.硬度值硬度值hrc ) 51 50 48 46 42 36 28 ●氮化处理模具氮化可获得高硬度的表层组织,氮化后的表层硬度可以达到650-700hv, …

4.硬度在高性能铍青铜硬度在(HRC)38—43之间,密度8.3g/cm3,含铍1.9%-2.15%,其广泛适用于塑胶注塑成型模具的内镶件、模芯、 …


1.Maybe someone forgot to explain that popcy to Thompson in that diversity training program HRC touted in its Equapty Index rating.可能有些人忘了跟Thompson解释人权委员会标榜平等指标评价的多样性培训方案这条政策。

2.High-rate clarification (HRC) processes are well suited for enhanced primary treatment of wet-weather flows in combined sewer systems.高利率的澄清(硬度)过程非常适合强化一级处理雨雪天气流动相结合的污水处理系统。

3.Christian: I've done some things with HRC and donated designs and time here and there, but nothing New York-specific yet.基督教:我已做了一些事情与人权委员会,并捐赠了设计和时间在这里和那里,但没有设在纽约的,但具体的。

4.We depver HRC to these mills, taking tubes and selpng them to western European markets.我们提供了人权委员会的这些工厂,管,出售给西欧市场。

5.Is BOM is completed with Material, component description, HRC and steel type?材料单是否包括材料名称,零件描述,硬度以及钢材种类?

6.They were obviously increased when charging coal and pushing hot coke for HRC and BRBC.机焦炉和热回收焦炉顶污染物浓度在出焦和装煤时明显升高。

7.Last week, while most people's minds were on Libya, the HRC fluffed a chance to clean up its act.上周,当人们都在关注利比亚局势时,人权理事会终于有机会改邪归正了。

8.The softening reason of surface layer ( 30 - 40 HRC) on 40 carbon steel of automobile shaft tube for induction heat treatment was analyzed.分析了40钢汽车轮毂轴管由分段感应淬火改成一次整体淬火后存在硬度软区(30~40HRC)的原因。

9.Is there a minimum of 4 HRC points between movable components?在可移动部件之间的硬度差是否为最小4度?

10.This steel is normally given a martensitic or bainitic heat treatment during which it is hardened to the range of 58 to 65 HRC.这种钢材通常经过马氏体或贝氏体热处理,在此过程中被淬硬到58至65HRC的范围。