


美式发音: [ʃɪrər] 英式发音: [ˈʃɪərə(r)]






n.1.The derivative of shear2.The derivative of shear3.someone whose job is to cut the wool from sheep

1.希勒 Chilavert 奇拉维特 芝拉华特 Shearer 希勒 舒利亚 Yashin 雅辛 耶辛 ...

2.剪切机 剪板机 plate shearer 剪切机 shearer 渐开线检查仪 involute tester ...

3.采煤机*空压站*变电室*气站*项目完成后,将形成年产长壁采煤机shearer)40台年,刮板运输机(AFC)18套年的生产能力*项目投 …

4.舒利亚 Chilavert 奇拉维特 芝拉华特 Shearer 希勒 舒利亚 Yashin 雅辛 耶辛 ...

5.滚筒采煤机 butt entry 区段平巷 shearer 滚筒采煤机 planer,Plow 刨煤机 ...

6.剪切者 ... hearer 听众,听者,旁听者 shearer 剪切者 sheepshearer 剪羊毛者 ...

7.席勒 ... Schillaci 斯基拉奇 Shearer 席勒 Southgate 索斯盖特 ...

8.剪羊毛工 ... Security Consultant 安全顾问[或需注册] Shearer 剪羊毛工 Snowsport Instructor 雪上运动指导[需要注册] ...


1.In late February, I flew to Capfornia for a few days to be with Frank Aller, Strobe Talbott, and Strobes girlfriend, Brooke Shearer.在2月底,我飞到加利福尼亚州,和弗兰克.阿勒、斯特罗布.塔尔博特和他的女友布鲁克.希勒在一起待了几天。

2.Phoebe shearer i is both resipent and fragrant. It was the main construction material used in the palaces of the Ming Dynasty.金丝楠木耐腐蚀且具有香味,是明代皇家建造宫殿的主要用料。

3.His club Newcastle have decided to turn to the surgeon who saved the careers of Alan Shearer, Ronaldo and Ruud van Nistelrooy.他的俱乐部纽卡斯尔联队已经决定将欧文转交给曾经挽救过艾伦希勒,罗那尔多以及范尼斯特鲁伊等人职业生涯的外科医生治疗

4.But Lampard acknowledges there will be the 'Shearer effect' to overcome as the former United striking legend steps out to a hero's welcome.但是兰帕德还是承认“希勒效应”比前纽卡斯尔传奇射手受到英雄般的欢迎这一因素更难克服。

5."I watched Shearer as a fan. It was the (No. 9) shirt I wanted to wear when I was growing up, " he said.“我一直都是希勒的球迷。所以我选择了和他一样的9号球衣,”卡罗尔表示。

6.But Shearer will be happy to see England leave Israel with a point before thumping Andorra next week.但是希勒一定会高兴的看到英格兰开心的离开以色列以及在下个礼拜对安道尔的比赛中取得分数。

7.Whereas Shearer took the decision to quit, Beckham has made no secret of his desire to keep representing his country.相对于希勒退出国际足坛的决定,贝克汉姆却毫不隐瞒自己为国效力的渴望。

8.The factors affecting the pick cutting, force condition and calculation formula of a single tooth shearer are discussed as well.对于截齿切割时的影响因素进行了分析与研究。提出了采煤机单齿的受力状况及计算公式。

9.With chances pke those, one of the greatest England scorers ever, Alan Shearer, advocated thumping it, as Emile did.像这样的机会,从前英格兰的一位著名球员,阿兰舒利亚,和埃米尔一样,也推崇使用劲射。

10.Alan Shearer was particularly handy at looking after himself when he played so why he does he need the security of a minder half his size?阿兰·希勒当球员时在自卫方面绝对是个中高手,他干嘛还需要这样一个五短身材的保安?