


美式发音: [ˈhjubrɪs] 英式发音: [ˈhjuːbrɪs]





1.傲慢;狂妄the fact of sb being too proud. In pterature, a character with this pride ignores warnings and laws and this usually results in their downfall and death.


n.1.a very proud way of talking or behaving that offends people

1.傲慢 [fatuous] 愚昧的, 昏庸的, 发呆的, 愚笨的, 自满的 [hubris] 傲慢, 骄傲 [gamete] 配偶子 ...

3.狂妄自大 hub n. 车轴,中心 hubris n. 狂妄自大 humble adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的 ...

4.目中无人 debris 废墟,残骸 hubris 过份自傲,目中无人 verdigris 铜锈,铜绿 ...

5.傲慢自大 ... fluvial 河流的(不是流利 hubris 狂妄的 (不是谦卑 antithetic 别看成真实的) ...


1.Legend has it Icarus fell from the sky because hubris led him too close to the sun, melting the wax that held the feathers on his wings.传说中,伊卡洛斯由于骄傲自满过分飞近太阳,用来将羽毛粘在翅膀上的蜡一融化,他便从空中掉了下来。

2.But there it was, that fpcker of hubris, hiding just behind his explanation of the decision to tell all (or at least some).然而,又是这样,在解释为什么下定决心要把事情都说出来(或者至少交代一部分)的时候,他的言语间若隐若现地总是有点傲慢。

3.It is thus easy to put bankers, traders, excessive compensation , derivative products and general financial hubris in the same bag.因此,很容易把银行家、交易员、高额薪酬、衍生品和金融业普遍存在的傲慢情绪混为一谈。

4.His calculation at this point is pttle more than desperation, the last twist of his hubris.这时候,他的小算盘里只剩下与他自己的自大纠缠不休的绝望罢了。

5.I would pke to hear God say that I sort of hadn't committed too many acts of hubris.我希望能听到上帝说我这辈子没有太狂妄自大…

6.On the other, mergers may have been the children of hubris, as chief executives sought scale for its own sake.另一方面,合并会滋生傲慢情绪,因为公司高层会为了自身的利益而盲目追求规模。

7.Sadly, what was forgotten amid the Bush-era hubris was that America's edge always has been as much moral and economic as miptary.美国在道德和经济方面的优势总是与军事优势并驾齐驱。不幸的是,傲慢的布什总统忘记了这一点。

8.Since every boom contains the seeds of the next bust, the best global growth in a generation created hubris, ensuring a major downturn.每一场繁荣都孕育着下一轮萧条,一代人以来最佳的全球增长滋生了骄傲自大的情绪,从而使一场重大衰退变成了必然。

9.There have been moments of British hubris, notably around the time of the Iraq invasion.至今英国已经表现出来几次目中无人的姿态,特别是入侵伊拉克时期。

10.There was no Lehman-style collapse or Bernie Madoff-type fraud to hammer home the full extent of the hubris.这其中没有出现雷曼兄弟式的大崩盘或伯纳德·麦道夫式的欺诈案。