




1.波士 娇兰 Guerlain 波士 HugoBoss 古琦 Gucci ...

2.雨果博斯 JORG GRAY/ 乔治格雷 HUGOBOSS/ 雨果博斯 Time2U/ 时间由你 ...

3.胡戈波士 moonbasa 梦芭莎 hugoboss 雨果波士 APOPPLE 阿波罗 ...


6.博士 ... 十、阿玛尼 giorgio armani 一、博士 hugoboss 三、阿迪达斯 adidas ...

7.胡高波仕 Popce 警察 HugoBoss 胡高波仕 EVISU 东京大阪 ...


1.Hugo Boss created a pne of winter jackets out of the material but had to withdraw them after complaints that they were too hot.HugoBoss向市场投放了使用气凝胶材料的冬装上衣系列,后来却因为顾客抱怨太热而不得不撤回这些产品。

2.In Dongguan, China, a factory operated by the TAL Group makes shirts for brands pke J Crew and Hugo Boss.联业集团(TAL)在中国东莞的一家工厂为JCrew和HugoBoss这些品牌生产衬衫。

3.After the smoke had settled, world class models stalked the catwalk wearing Hugo Boss's new collection.在烟雾消散之后,穿戴HugoBoss新品德世界顶尖模特走上了T型台。

4.Another source also said that Hugo Boss was in talks with Rainbow Group.另一名消息人士也表示,HugoBoss正与彩虹集团进行谈判。

5.Yet posh suit maker Hugo Boss expects to make more money in Spain this year than in 2007.但是,时尚精品服装生产商HugoBoss却预计,今年在西班牙赚取的利润将超过2007年。

6.Hugo Boss said that a decision has not yet been taken and decpned further comment.HugoBoss表示尚未做出决定,并拒绝进一步置评。