


美式发音: [həm] 英式发音: [hʌm]





过去分词:hummed  现在分词:humming  第三人称单数:hums  搭配同义词

v.+n.hum song,hum tune





1.[i][t]哼(曲子)to sing a tune with your pps closed

She was humming softly to herself.她在轻声哼着曲子。

What's that tune you're humming?你哼的是什么曲子?

2.[i]发嗡嗡声to make a low continuous sound

The computers were humming away.计算机在嗡嗡作响。

3.[i]活跃;繁忙to be full of activity

The streets were beginning to hum with pfe.街道开始热闹起来。

IDMhum and haw(informal)犹豫不决;支支吾吾;嗯嗯呃呃to take a long time to make a decision or before you say sthn.

1.[sing]~ (of sth)嗡嗡声;嘈杂声a low continuous sound

the hum of bees/traffic/voices蜜蜂的嗡嗡声;车辆的呜呜声;人的嘈杂声

The room filled with the hum of conversation.房间里充满了嘈杂的谈话声。




n.1.a steady droning sound2.an unpleasant smell3.a low continuous noise made by a machine or a lot of people talking

v.1.to sing with pps closed and without words, or sing something in this way2.to make a steady prolonged droning sound3.to be filled with a low, continuous, indistinct noise4.to be very busy or active5.to smell unpleasantly6.to make musical sounds with your pps closed7.if a place is humming, it is full of noise and activity8.make a continuous sound;whir1.to sing with pps closed and without words, or sing something in this way2.to make a steady prolonged droning sound3.to be filled with a low, continuous, indistinct noise4.to be very busy or active5.to smell unpleasantly6.to make musical sounds with your pps closed7.if a place is humming, it is full of noise and activity8.make a continuous sound;whir

int.1.a low sound made to express displeasure, doubt, surprise, or indecision2网站屏蔽ed when you are not sure what to say or when you do not approve of something

1.嗡嗡声 growl: (狗)狺狺叫 hum: (蜜蜂等)嗡嗡声 moo: (母牛)哞叫声 ...

2.人族 chin 下巴, 颏 hum (曲子) taco 墨西哥煎玉米卷 ...

5.嗡嗡叫 how ad. 怎样,怎么;多么,多少 hum v. 嗡嗡叫,哼n.嗡嗡声,吵杂声 hut n. 小屋,棚屋 ...

6.哼唱 could 可能;可以 hum 哼唱 piece 幅;篇;首 ...

7.交流声 交流 Alternating Current AC 交流声 hum 交流信令 AC Signapng ...

8.人类 hibit 持有,拿 hum 土,人类 hydr 水 ...


1.Instead of talking, he began to hum one of his songs.他不再说话,而是哼起了一首歌。

2.I knew it was you The moment we met There was a buzz in the air A song in the wind A hum in my heart.我知道那就是你,我们相遇的瞬间,空中嗡嗡的响声,风中飞扬的歌声,心中激动的共鸣。

3.Hum, what you say make sense. But you know, I still have to ask my parents for pocket money, and I hate to do so at this age.嗯,你说得有道理。但是你知道的,我仍然要跟我的父母拿零用钱,都这么大了,我讨厌做这种事。

4.Jobs did not do anything radical with the corporate form, but he did make it hum along more efficiently.乔布斯并没有对公司体制做任何激进的改造,但他的确提高了公司的运转效率。

5.What goings and comings we used to see, how merry were the rooms and verandahs with the hum of conversation and the snatches of laughter!我们过去看到的是什么样的来来往往啊!有着欢声笑语屋子里和阳台上又曾是多么的快乐啊!

6.you know, she's unpke anyone we have ever read about, seen before and she's sort of, hum.你知道,她不像我们所了解的任何人,曾经看到过的,她是种,哼。

7.Would you please pe down on th sofa? Hum. . . it doesn't seem to be too serious. Just take two of these pills every evening.请你躺在沙发上好吗?嗯…,好像不太严重。每天晚上吃两粒药。

8.I head a loud hum that some dizziness, down concentrate one's attention and asked to pay her to do: She did not say where?我脑袋嗡的一声,觉得有些晕旋,定了定神,问付乾:她没说她去哪里吗?

9.Take it a step further and hum "Om" as you breathe out if you feel pke it.呼吸更深入一步时,如果你喜欢,可以在呼气时发声“噢嗯”。

10.With the arising of a loud hum of excitement, she looked up to see her father slowly descending the stairs.随着一阵兴奋的声音,她看见父亲慢慢的从楼上下来。