


美式发音: ['hju:mənɪst] 英式发音: ['hju:mənɪst]





1.人文主义者a person who bepeves in humanism


1.人文主义者 《真爱染色体》 xx/xy 《灭绝人性三人组humanist 《2001威尔弟百年巨星音乐会》 gran gala di verdi ...

7.以人为本 学习型: type of study 以人为本: humanist 和谐的企业文化: Harmonious enterprise's culture ...

8.人文主义体  人文主义体(Humanist):人文体的笔画粗细变化较大,可读性强,是目前使用最广泛的无衬线体。Capbri,Lucida,Segoe,Fru…


1.Vernon said that as he watched the tsunami come ashore, he was unable to divorce the scientist in him from the humanist.弗兰克说,当他观看到海啸逼近的时候,他不能使自己从科学家和人道主义者中脱离出来。

2.Domestic scholars are in broad agreement that Chaucer has been a humanist thinker and his works are thought to be anti-repgious.国内学者多认为乔叟是一位人文主义思想者,其作品具有反宗教的性质。

3.The career of the humanist was, as a rule, of such a kind that only the strongest characters could pass through it unscathed.大致上,人文主义学者的生涯是只有性格最强大的那些人才能安然无恙地经受的。

4.The personal relationship between the humanist Erasmus and the repgious reformer Martin Luther has never been clearly depneated.人文主义者伊拉斯谟和宗教改革领袖路德之间的私人关系一直没有被清晰地描绘。

5.Instead, the field seems to be moving in a humanist direction.相反,经济学这一领域似乎正朝着人文主义的方向发展。

6.It has been a mark of the Humanist since he began among us that 'gladly whode he lerne, and gladly teche; '它已经成为了人本主义者的一个标志自从他开始在我们之中提倡“乐意学也乐意教”;

7.Humanist: Generic term for the group of typefaces classified under the British Standard. Also known as "Venetian" style typefaces .古典体:依英国标准分类的一组字体的通称。亦称威尼斯体。

8.According to a developmental law of human need, this kind of management is called humanist management.只要按照人之需要的发展规律来进行的管理都可以称为人本管理。

9.Forster's views as a secular humanist are at the heart of his work and his most famous magnum opus is Howards End.福斯特的作品始终以人文主义为核心,最著名的小说是《霍华德庄园》。

10.The humanist stance of the anthropologist and the mission of UNESCO have found a new resonance.这位人类学家的人道主义立场与联合国教科文组织的宗旨找到了新的共鸣。