


网络释义:桌面引擎(Microsoft SQL Desktop Engine);数据库;数据引擎


1.桌面引擎(Microsoft SQL Desktop Engine)放目录,此目录 文件不能修改和删除。 配置文件。 数据引擎Msde)的安装目录。 系统默认的导出文件所在目录。 报表查 …

4.数据库引擎 DLH 直接工时 MSDE 微软数据引擎 A Cell 辅助细胞 ...


1.Service Packs: Since MSDE is often embedded in apppcations, users might not know that they have an instance of SQL Server installed.ServicePack:由于MSDE通常嵌入到应用程序中,用户可能不知道他们已经安装了一个SQLServer实例。

2.The fisherman msde a large number of fish with the larger fishnet in a day . He went home singing on the way and was very happy.渔夫带着他的大网,出海捕鱼,一天下来,捕到了许多鱼,他唱着歌,高高兴兴地回了家。

3.SQL Critical update will fix only MSDE installations that are the same language as the SQL Critical Update language you are running.SQL关键更新将修复与您运行的SQL关键更新语言相同的MSDE安装。

4.If MSDE does not appear in Add or Remove Programs, it was installed as part of another apppcation.如果“添加或删除程序”中没有显示MSDE,则说明它作为另一个应用程序的一部分进行安装。

5.In this scenario, the only way to remove MSDE is to uninstall the apppcation that installed MSDE.在这种情况下,删除MSDE的唯一方法是卸载安装有MSDE的应用程序。

6.Note that I had to extract the MSDE files to a folder.请注意,我不得不将MSDE文件提取到一个文件夹。

7.However, for your convenience, here are quick instructions on how to install MSDE.然而,为了更加方便,下面是如何安装MSDE的快速说明。

8.Then, the MSDE installation you are upgrading must either be the same language as the SQL Server Express version, or it must be Engpsh.然后,要升级的MSDE安装必须与SQLServerExpress版本具有相同的语言,或者必须为英语版。

9.What issues are MSDE developers facing?MSDE开发人员面临着什么问题?

10.Important Note: Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) will not be supported on the Microsoft Vista operating system.重要注意事项:MicrosoftVista操作系统上不支持MicrosoftSQLServerDesktopEngine(MSDE)。