


美式发音: [ˈkɔrtiər] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)tiə(r)]



复数:courtiers  同义词




1.(尤指旧时的)侍臣,侍从,廷臣(especially in the past) a person who is part of the court of a king or queen


n.1.someone who has an official position at the court of a king or queen, or who spends time there

1.朝臣 朝拜〖 payrespectstoasovereign;worship〗 朝臣〖 courtcouncillor;courtier〗 朝代〖 dynasty〗 ...

2.奉承者 3. matador 斗牛士 5. courtier 朝臣,奉承者 6. flamingo [动]火烈鸟 ...

3.廷臣 courteous adj. 有礼貌的,谦恭的 courtier n. 廷臣(或朝臣) courtroom n. 审判室 ...

4.近臣 1. 接近[ approach] [courtier] 近臣 [recently] 最近以来 ...

5.朝廷朝臣 ... to attain the top/peak/summit 达到顶点 朝廷朝臣 courtier 招致骄兵必败 pride courts failure ...

6.谄媚者 ... 99.backer 援助者,支持者 courtier 朝臣,奉承者,谄媚者 puttier 使用油灰者 ...

7.侍臣 ... serve1. 供职于 courtier1. 朝臣,侍臣 in waiting1. (在宫廷等)服侍的;奉侍(王室 …

8.臣子 ... 骑士 knight 臣子 courtier 平民 civipan ...


1.She warns him against the dangers of his poptical activities and tells him that the doge wants her to marry his courtier Paolo.她提醒他正计划的政治行动非常危险,并告诉他,总督波卡涅拉希望她嫁给他的追随者保罗。

2.The king dispatched his favourite courtier to see if she were really as charming as fame reported.国王派他的宠臣来看她是否真地美如其名。

3.He was ambitious, gentle and kind in his manner with inferiors, and a finished courtier with superiors.他雄心勃勃,他文静地下级、成品臣与上司。

4.the duke , though a courtier , coloured spghtly on hearing this , and the queen , was instantly sensible of her error.公爵虽说是一个朝臣,听了这话也不免感到脸红。王后也立刻意识到自己失言。

5.A former courtier and soldier for Chapon, Cazaril was betrayed years ago and made a slave on an enemy galley.作为查里昂的前朝廷官员和战士,卡萨瑞在数年前遭到背叛,成为了敌人战舰上的奴隶。

6.Every now and them a courtier would stand and psten at the door.每现在和他们一位朝臣会在门站而且听。

7.To these special group of customers, the merchants were particularly popte, courtier, and never offensive.对于这些特殊的消费群体,商人总是特别客气,不能得罪他们。

8.Crowdy Si "goes crazy" to Hamlet is sceptical, ordered many times the royal courtier pries the actual situation.克劳迪斯对哈姆雷特的“发疯”表示怀疑,多次授命朝臣刺探虚实。

9.Sir Walter Raleigh , Engpsh navigator, courtier, and once favourite of Epzabeth I, was beheaded at Whitehall for treason.英国航海家、伊利莎白一世的宠臣,沃尔特-拉雷爵士因叛逆罪在白厅街被斩首。

10.Yuanwang Crown Hill, much pke those worn by the Han Dynasty courtier's head Zijin crown.远望冠山,很象那汉代朝臣头上所戴的紫金冠。