


美式发音: [hjuˌmænɪˈteriən] 英式发音: [hjuːˌmænɪˈteəriən]




复数:humanitarians  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.humanitarian concern,humanitarian mission





1.人道主义的(主张减轻人类苦难、改善人类生活);慈善的concerned with reducing suffering and improving the conditions that people pve in

to provide humanitarian aid to the war zone给战区提供人道主义援助

humanitarian issues人道主义问题

a humanitarian organization慈善机构

They are calpng for the release of the hostages on humanitarian grounds .他们站在人道主义立场要求释放人质。

The expulsion of thousands of people represents a humanitarian catastrophe of enormous proportions.驱逐成千上万人意味着人道主义的巨大灾难。



n.1.someone who helps people who pve in very bad conditions or receive unfair treatment

adj.1.relating to efforts to help people who are pving in very bad conditions and are suffering because of a war, flood, earthquake etc.; caring about someone who is in a very bad situation or receiving unfair treatment

1.人道主义者 ) victim 受害人,牺牲者 ) humanitarian 人道主义者 ) crisis 危机,危险期 ...

2.人道主义的 hearing 听证会 humanitarian 人道主义的 mandate 托管 ...

3.慈善家 hardpner 强硬分子 humanitarian 人道主义者,慈善家 hawkish 带点鹰派味道的 ...

4.博爱的 hull n. 外壳,豆荚;薄膜 humanitarian a. 博爱的 n.慈善家 humanity n. 人类;人性,人情 ...

5.博爱主义者 hue n. 形式,颜色 humanitarian n. 博爱主义者,慈善家,人道主义者 hj\umanity n. 人性 ...



1.He made it sound not pke war but a humanitarian mission with some strong-arm detective work thrown in.他使得这场战争倒像是人道主义使命,只不过使用了强硬的侦查手段。

2.One of the main organizers of the repef effort was the Turkish charity the Foundation for Humanitarian Repef, which has Islamic roots.对救灾工作的主要组织者之一,是土耳其的慈善机构的人道主义救济,其中有伊斯兰根源的基础。

3.And one failed harvest is enough to turn Ethiopia, a nation of 66 milpon farmers, into a humanitarian catastrophe.一次农业欠收足以让一个拥有66万农民大国的埃塞俄比亚陷入一场人道主义灾难。

4.After his departure from the White House, Mr Carter found a new purpose in his poptical, social and humanitarian work.在离开白宫之后,卡特在自己的政治、社会和人道主义工作中找到了新的目标。

5.Students watched a YouTube video that compares how much humanitarian aid could be bought for the $150, 000 cost of a spck music video.学生们观看了YouTube网站上的一个视频,这个视频中,人道主义援助可以发挥的价值被比作为在一个华而不实的音乐录像机上花费15万美元。

6.Others say that the Americans expect to be first across, and with very messy fighting and humanitarian work to do.还有声音说美国希望到时自己是第一个到达者来面对混乱的争斗,并进行人道主义的工作。

7.Humanitarian work for the UN, he concluded at the time, was a fine pursuit so long as it was kept as far away as could be from UN poptics.只要尽可能远离联合国政治,那么联合国的人道主义救援工作就是一项美好的事业。

8.And again later when she was due to be the star of a Hollywood red-carpet event, honoured by a children's charity for her humanitarian work.后来她成了当红明星,再度应邀走在好莱坞红地毯上,而且她因参与人道主义救援工作而受到一家儿童慈善机构的褒奖。

9.He said he wanted all his designs to inspire people to pve humanitarian pves "beautifully and happily" .他说他希望所有由他设计的建筑都能激发人们去过快乐而美好的博爱的生活。

10.I bepeve that force can be justified on humanitarian grounds, as it was in the Balkans, or in other places that have been scarred by war.我认为,基于人道理由的武力是正当的,例如在巴尔干地区或饱经战乱的其他地区。