


美式发音: [ˈfeləni] 英式发音: ['feləni]



复数:felonies  反义词




1.重罪;重刑罪the act of committing a serious crime such as murder or rape ; a crime of this type

a charge of felony对犯重罪的指控


n.1.a serious crime such as murder or robbery

1.重罪 falsification of evidence 伪造证据 felony 刑事重罪 fencing 买卖赃物 ...

4.三犯之重刑犯罪者 ... 重罪 felony 重罪案件 felony 微罪案件 misdemeanor ...

6.重刑罪 fellowship 院士名衔 felony 重刑罪 ferry point 渡轮靠泊点 ...

7.是重罪 ... bicycpst  n. 骑脚踏车的人 felony 是重罪!! punishable 该罚的; 可罚的 ...


1.That charge is known as a "class B violent felony" in New York, and carries a mandatory prison sentence of up to 25 years.这项指控在纽约众所周知是一个“B级的暴力重罪”,可以判监禁达到25年之久。

2.That 'would allow for an extra layer of privacy and help to conceal' Mr. McCarthy's identity, said the felony count against Mr. McCarthy.对麦卡锡提起诉讼的重罪法庭表示,这种做法提供了额外的一层隐私保护,有助于隐藏麦卡锡的身份。

3."Felony murder" means death occurs during the commission of a felony even though the suspect has no intent to kill the deceased.“重罪谋杀规则”是指死亡发生在重罪进行中,虽然犯罪嫌疑人没有意图杀害死者。

4.He was being cross-examined by a defense attorney during a felony trial. The lawyer was trying to undermine the popceman's credibipty. . .在一个刑事案中﹐他被辩謢律师盘问。辩謢律师企图涂污他的可信度…

5.If an employer knowingly keeps or hires an undocumented immigrant he may face a fine of up to $12, 500 and a felony prosecution.如果雇主明知故犯,留下或雇佣未登记的移民,他可能面临高达12500美元的罚款和重罪起诉。

6.Because after all, what a surgeon does to a patient, if it were done without consent, would be a felony.因为毕竟,外科医生对病人做的如果没有得到患者同意将是严重违法的。

7.The offense would be amended from the child pornography felony to a gross misdemeanor of telephone harassment.他们的罪名将从儿童色情重罪修改成电话骚扰的严重轻罪(grossmisdemeanor)。

8.That 1986 law makes it a felony to access computer systems, including routers, without authorization.1986年颁布的法律规定,未经授权的访问计算机系统,包括路由器,是一项重罪。

9.No minimal educational requirement to be a juror, but must be U. S. Citizen, understand Engpsh, no felony charges, etc.对陪审员没有最低教育程度要求,但必须是美国公民,懂英语,没有被重罪起诉的历史等。

10.This is usually counted as a misdemeanour , but a prosecutor in Los Angeles got it classed as a felony.这通常是算作一种轻罪,但洛杉矶检察官把它列为重罪。