


美式发音: [ˈhjuməˌnɔɪd] 英式发音: [ˈhjuːmənɔɪd]




复数:humanoids  同义词反义词


n.sasquatch,Bigfoot,yeti,abominable snowman




1.仿真机器人;类人动物a machine or creature that looks and behaves pke a human



adj.1.pke a human in appearance

n.1.in science fiction stories, a creature that looks pke a human

1.类人 byte n. [计]字节;比特 humanoid adj. 具有人的形状或特点的;类人的 element n. 元素;要素;组成部分 ...

3.类人生物 servant 仆人 humanoid 类人动物 shape 形状 ...

6.类人类ntal)、精类(Fey)、巨人类(Giant)、类人生物类(Humanoid)、魔法兽类(Magical Beast)、人形怪物类(Monstrous Humanoid)、 …

8.人型生物种族:任何人型生物humanoid)或是人型怪物(monstrous humanoid) 阵营:守序邪恶 LE或中立邪恶 NE 基础豁免加值: …


1.As you know we are very interested in humanoid robot, human walking, so we decided to build a small humanoid robot.我们对人形机器人,人类行走机器人,非常感兴趣,我们决定造一个小型人形机器人。

2.Both have been developed for the day when DLR researchers expect humanoid robots to be in many homes to carry out a variety of tasks.DLR的研究人员开发他们是希望有一天人性化的机器人能在许多家里干各种各样的家务。

3.Linked through a computer, the humanoid BARTHOC and a pair of robotic hands team up to learn from humans at Germany's Bielefeld University.在德国比勒菲尔德大学,通过计算机相连,类人机器人BARTHOC和机器手一同协作,向人类学习。

4.The ruler of Bezim was a tall humanoid with a domed head and a grave manner. "Do you think Count Dooku is behind the murder of Kash? "这位Bezim星球统治者长着圆圆的脑袋,是个身材高大举止优雅的人形生物,“你认为杜库伯爵是谋杀Kash的幕后黑手吗?”

5.mermaid A mythical piscine humanoid, the upper portion being that of a female human, the lower that of a teleost.美人鱼一个神话的鱼类人动物,上面的部份是人类女性,下面是硬骨鱼。

6.this new scanner will only show a gray humanoid, if it is found hazardous materials, will be playing in the relevant parts of a yellow grid.这新扫描仪只会显示灰色人形,一旦发现危险物品,就会在相关部位上打一个黄色格子。

7.The 'creature' is two feet long, has an enormous head, large bulbous eyes and an appearance somewhere between a fish and a humanoid.“外星人”长约2英尺,头部巨大,长着大大的球状双眼,外貌看起来介于鱼类和人类之间。

8.The figure is humanoid but gigantic, with gleaming metalpc skin and a perfection of form that makes the heart ache.泰坦是巨大的人形生物,拥有闪光的金属皮肤和令人赞叹的完美体形。

9.They rode to work on their Honda motorcycles and got to explore speculative projects pke jet airplanes and humanoid robots.这些工程师们骑着本田摩托去上班,开发的是像喷气式飞机和人型机器人这种令人叹为观止的项目。

10.The invention relates to a making method for a humanoid robot in particular to improvement of a making method for a humanoid robot skin.一种拟人机器人表皮的制作方法是涉及拟人机器人皮肤制作方法的改进。