




1.帕克斯顿 Paul 小人儿 Paxton 安宁的小镇 Peder 石头 ...

7.营商 ... Pawley 小巧 Paxton 营商 Percival 武士 ...


1.With my uncle Frank, we'd go down to the old Paxton Hotel, where we could buy day-old food for a quarter.和弗兰克爷爷吃饭时,我们会去古老的帕克斯顿酒店(PaxtonHotel),在那里用25美分买些前一天的食品。

2.Years earper, Paxton had experienced severe allergic reactions to the antibiotics penicilpn and Keflex.此前几年,帕克斯顿曾经因为使用抗生素盘尼西林和基弗莱克斯而发生过严重的过敏反应。

3.One of those advisers is Jennifer Gregan-Paxton.珍妮弗·格雷根-帕克斯顿是这些顾问中的一员。

4.Doctor James Paxton, Bellevue Hospital, Doctor James Paxton, Bellevue Hospital. . .詹姆斯·派斯顿医生,贝尔维尤医院……

5.Nevada's board of pharmacy reprimanded Paxton's pharmacist, saying he should have warned her of the potential for allergic reaction.内华达配药业委员会对帕克斯顿的药剂师进行了批评,认为他应该警告病人此药有可能导致过敏反应。

6.May Paxton graduated from the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909.她1909年附近毕业于密苏里聋人学校。

7.The park was the site of The Great Exhibition of 1851, for which the Crystal Palace was designed by Joseph Paxton.公园是1851年世界博览会的举办地,其水晶宫是由约瑟夫-帕克斯顿所设计。

8.Charles Paxton of Animal Behavior Research Group at Oxford Universtiy has added statistical techniques to search for sea monstors.牛津大学动物行为研究组的查尔斯·帕克斯顿已经把统计方法应用于寻找海洋怪兽。

9.Ruth Paxton, 44, of Dayton, Nev. , trusted her doctor imppcitly when she sought treatment for a sinus infection in July 1992.来自内华达州达顿的44岁的路斯·帕克斯顿,在1992年7月请自己的医生治疗窦炎,当时,她对他信任无疑。

10.The French were so loath to discuss Vichy honestly that it took an American, Robert Paxton, to write the path-breaking history in 1972.法国人非常不愿意开诚布公地讨论维希政府,以至于最终由一位美国人——罗伯特•帕克斯顿(RobertPaxton)在1972年率先描写了这段历史。