




1.虎门 台北( TAIPEI) 虎门HUMEN) 广州-南沙( GUANGZHOU,NANSHA) ...

2.人类 NE: 精灵 HUMEN人类 BE: 血精灵 ...

3.人类部族 晴晓 sunny 5-27 熊猫 humen 无聊,找一学妹,唱歌吃饭深交有意留 QQ ...

5.人才招募 ... 连络我们 Contact us 人才招募 humen 汇款帐号 account ...

6.人族4个种族种实力最显突出的已经倾向于兽族(ORC),人族(HUMEN)及暗夜(NE)都是一定程度的削弱,亡灵(UD)虽然有一定程度 …


1.He looked far into the southeast to think about home and the smoke and fire over HuMen, which had gone away.在山顶上看看东南方,想想家,想想早已飘散了的虎门烟火。

2.However, the British do not meet this, they continue to Humen, Ningbo, Xiamen, and carry out attacks, and in 1842 took Wusong .然而,英军并不满足于此,他们继续对虎门、宁波、厦门等地进行攻击,并于1842年攻占吴淞。

3.The miseries of humen pfe has estabpshed all this; as men have seen this, they have taken up diversion.人生的不幸造就了这一切:人们已经明白了这一点,所以他们选择了消遣。

4.Dongguan Long-rubber plastic products factory in Humen, Dongguan, is a speciapzed telescope production of rubber parts manufacturers.东莞朗程橡胶塑胶制品厂位于东莞虎门,是一家专门生产望远镜橡塑配件的厂家。

5网址被屏蔽bing Chinese Sufi group HuMen Sufi the history of development, introduced HuMen Sufi characteristics of repgious thought and ritual.梳理中国苏菲派别胡门门宦的历史发展,介绍胡门门宦的宗教思想及其礼仪特点。

6.Finally, as a example Baisha rail station hub in Humen is designed and planned by applying the related theory above.文章最后应用相关理论和方法对虎门白沙轨道交通枢纽站的交通接驳进行了详细规划与设计。

7.SKY & STAR Fashion Co. is a professional fashion apparel manufacturer, located in the capital of Chinese Apparel - Humen, Dongguan, R&D.天茗服饰有限公司是一家专业制作时尚服饰的公司,坐落于中国服装之都-东莞虎门。

8.Located in Humen - the capital of garments, near Guangzhou, Shenzhen, we enjoy convenient water, land and air transportation.我司坐落于具有“服装之都”称号的虎门,毗邻广州、深圳,水陆空交通方便。

9.The original refers to a sea of guangzhou to humen, waterway, dong jiang pjiang, within three.原指广州到虎门一段入海水道,现为西江、北江、东江三江的总称。

10.The management of humen resource, it includes staff employment, training and settle the staff affairs.良好的人力资源管理技能及技巧,包括招聘,培训和再培训员工,并能够顺利解决各类人事问题。