




1.大圆蛋 ... 治疗兔 Desert Hare 大圆蛋 Humpty 衰弱怪 Cruller ...

2.胖子夯普弟ittle Ted)、杰米玛(Jemima) 、小胖子夯普弟Humpty)和青蛙弗格斯(Fergus),还有《唱响澳洲》(X-Factor)主持 …

3.胖子汉普蒂 胖子汉普蒂Humpty)。 博比给大家都起了外号,单纯因为好叫,所以博比本人非常喜欢。


1.Take 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a. . . ' Even this snippet of a nursery rhyme reveals how much languages can differ from one another.光看“蛋头先生坐头……”这句儿歌就能说明各种语言之间会有多大程度的差别。

2.But Humpty Dumpty used words in an odd way, and that made him a master of gobbledygook, not a master of language.矮座椅沙发以一种奇怪的方式来使用词汇,这使它成为一个“官样文章”大师,而不是语言大师。

3.He cpmbed up on my knees and I said, "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. "他爬上我的双膝,我嘴里念念有词:“汉普蒂邓普蒂坐在墙上,汉普蒂邓普蒂摔在地上!”

4.The question is, just as Humpty Dumpty said, which is to be master.正如矮座椅沙发所说,问题在于谁是主人。

5."When I use a word, " Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less. "“我要用一个词的时候,”矮座椅沙发用一种相当轻蔑的口吻说,“我想让它是什么意思它就是什么意思--恰如其分。”

6.Then the old man told them the story of Humpty Dumpty, how he fell downstairs, and was raised up again, and married a princess .接着老人告诉他们哈普第?达提的故事,他跌到楼下,又站起来,终于和公主结婚。

7."The question is, " said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be the master - that's all. "“问题是,”矮座椅沙发说,“谁是主人--仅此而已。”

8.Well, the short run, it's hunky dory, but the long run, it's humpty dumpty.从短期来看,是福;但从长期来看,那就是祸了。

9.Don't take a picture. You can keep watching him but he's not getting up. You all read Humpty Dumpty.你可以看一下它作为你想要的,只是爬不起来。这是一团糟,对不对?

10.With it gone, Humpty Dumpty can't be put back together again.随着它的逝去,蛋壳就不可能再还原了。