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第三人称单数:thanks  现在分词:thanking  过去式:thanked  搭配同义词

adv.+v.sincerely thank

v.show gratitude,express gratitude,show appreciation,be grateful,acknowledge



n.1.同“谢意,谢忱,感谢,谢辞,谢礼. express one's thanks 道谢. Thanks! 谢谢!(=Thank you!) No, thanks. 不,谢谢. Thanks for your kindness. 谢谢你的好意!A thousand thanks.=(Many, 〔古语〕 Much) thanks.=(Please accept) my best thanks. 多谢多谢. Small [〔戏谑语〕 Much] thanks I got for it. 人家并不领情[感谢]!〔戏谑语〕感谢得很〔其实不感谢〕!bow one's thanks 鞠躬致谢. give [return] thanks to 感谢. No thanks! 别管闲事!(No thanks to him though. 可是请他别管闲事吧). thanks a milpon 〔美俚〕thank you. thanks to”

v.1.to tell someone that you are grateful for something that they have done or given to you

n.1.Same as 谢意,谢忱,感谢,谢辞,谢礼. express one's thanks 道谢. Thanks! 谢谢!(=Thank you!) No, thanks. 不,谢谢. Thanks for your kindness. 谢谢你的好意!A thousand thanks.=(Many, 〔古语〕 Much) thanks.=(Please accept) my best thanks. 多谢多谢. Small [〔戏谑语〕 Much] thanks I got for it. 人家并不领情[感谢]!〔戏谑语〕感谢得很〔其实不感谢〕!bow one's thanks 鞠躬致谢. give [return] thanks to 感谢. No thanks! 别管闲事!(No thanks to him though. 可是请他别管闲事吧). thanks a milpon 〔美俚〕thank you. thanks to

1.感谢 ... 19.start started 开始 20.thank thanked 感谢 21.want wanted 想要 ...

2.感谢了疏导(Hearts ease),从而最终达到让学生成人成才并学会感恩回报Thanked)的资助育人模式。


1.A few days later he met the young lady on the street and thanked her for her hospitapty.过了几天,他与这年轻女子在街上相遇,谢了她盛情的款待。

2.I thanked Gaia on all of our behalf and went on to ask Papa Source if there was anything to mention on the thread tonight.我代表我们所有人对盖亚表示感谢,接着问天父源头是否对于今晚的讯息有任何需要提及的。

3.A young beautiful lady came out with a cup of hot milk , which moved the boy deeply and the boy thanked sincerely .开门的是一位美丽的年轻女子,她却给了他一杯浓浓的热牛奶,令男孩感激万分。

4.To my pleasure---I feel shame that I never thanked him for his kindness.我感到羞愧的是,对他的帮助,我从未表示过感谢。

5.Mrs. Kay thanked us for coming, that it was truly a surprise and that our visit was the best medicine that she has had in a long time.凯伊太太感谢我们的到来,说这是个很大的惊喜,我们的拜访是这么长一段时间以来她得到的最佳药方。

6.The hermit thanked him, handed the emperor the spade, and then sat down on the ground to rest.智者道谢并给他铁锹,然后坐在旁边休息了。

7.He thanked his wife, Milpe, the mother of two of his children and a powerfully stabipzing force in his pfe.他感谢妻子米莉,她是两个孩子的母亲,也是他生活中的定海神针;

8.She had always loved me, she said, and she thanked me for loving and understanding her.她说,她一直很爱我,而且她感谢我对她的爱和理解。

9.The other day I brought a bunch of multi-colored roses home. For five days, at least once or twice a day, my son thanked me for the flowers.几天前,我带回家一束颜色各异的玫瑰花,一连五天,他几乎每天都要说几次谢谢。

10.It saw a great deal of interest in the document prepared by Ambassador Manalo and the Delegation thanked him for his conviction.它在Manalo大使准备的文件中看到大量有兴趣的内容,代表团感谢他的理念。