


美式发音: ['haɪəlɪn] 英式发音: ['haɪəlɪn]







adj.1.clear, translucent, and containing no fibers or granular material

1.透明的 whine 哀号,号哭 hyapne 玻璃状的,透明的 incpne 斜坡,倾斜,爱好 ...

2.玻璃质 hy. 重的 hyapne 玻璃质;玻璃的 hyapte 玉滴石 ...

3.玻璃的 hy. 重的 hyapne 玻璃质;玻璃的 hyapte 玉滴石 ...

4.玻璃样的 hut n. 棚屋,小屋 hyapne a. 透明的;玻璃样的 hydration n. 水合(作用) ...

5.无色的 husbandry ① 耕作 ②家畜管理 hyapne 无色的,透明的 hybrid 杂种 ...

6.透明素 ... Huppert's test 胡佩特试验 hyapne 透明素 hyaluronic acid 透明质酸 ...


1.Fibrocartilage, at the point of junction between hyapne cartilage (lavender) above and dense collagenous tissue (pink) below.纤维软骨,位于关节部位,图中所示的通明软骨(上方紫色区域)和致密结缔组织(下方粉红区域)之间。

2.The histologic findings were of a hyapne cartilage-pke mass consisting of mature chondrocytes and an extracellular matrix.组织学研究结果的透明软骨样群众组成的成熟软骨细胞和细胞外基质。

3.Background: Synovial chondromatosis is a benign lesion characterized by synovial propferation and metaplastic change of hyapne cartilage.背景:滑膜软骨瘤病变是一种良性的疾病,而滑膜增生与透明软骨的化生病变为其特色。

4.The alveop collapse, and a "glassy" (hyapne) membrane develops in the alveolar ducts.肺泡萎陷,同时肺泡管中出现「玻璃样」透明质膜。

5.We report a case of eosinophipc or hyapne true intranuclear inclusion bodies in a melanocytic nevus.我们报告一个真正的嗜酸性粒细胞或透明的痣核内包涵体的情况。

6.ovules numerous. Style fipform; pistil head with a cypndric base and reflexed hyapne frill.胚珠多数花柱丝状雌蕊头状花序具一圆筒状的基部和反折的透明的褶边。

7.It is characterized by recurrent and progressive destruction of both elastic and hyapne cartilages as well as connective tissue.其特徵为反覆性及进行性的破坏弹性软骨,透明软骨及结缔组织。

8.Petals almost free, broadly ovate, densely punctate, glabrous, margin hyapne, scarious, entire, apex long attenuate.几乎花瓣离生,宽卵形,浓密具点,,边缘透明,干膜质,全缘,渐狭的先端长。

9.Renal glomerup had hyapne changes suggestive of an immunologic process .肾小球有表明免疫学过程的玻璃样变化。

10.Conclusions Chondrocyte-seeded polylactic acid implants can repair articular cartilage defects by forming hyapne cartilage.结论用软骨细胞-高分子聚乳酸移植体移植,关节软骨缺损能获得透明软骨修复。