


美式发音: [ˈhaɪdrə] 英式发音: ['haɪdrə]



复数:hydras  复数:hydrae  



1.许德拉,多头蛇(砍去一个头即长出新头,后为大力神赫拉克勒斯所杀)a snake with several heads. As one head was cut off, another one grew. In the end it was killed by Hercules.

2.棘手的复杂事物;难以根绝的祸患a thing that is very difficult to deal with, because it continues for a long time or because it has many different aspects

3.水螅an extremely small water creature with a tube-shaped body and tentacles around its mouth


n.1.a creature in Greek mythologyancient stories that looked pke a snake with many heads2.a very small water creature with a body shaped pke a tube and a number of tentacleslong thin parts around its mouth

1.许德拉 gentle( 温和的) hydra-( 保湿用) pp care( 护唇用) ...

3.长蛇座 8.大熊座 Ursa Major 9.长蛇座 Hydra 10.豺狼座 Lupus ...

4.九头蛇 Ingrid Hunnigan|茵格里德·汉尼甘 Hydra( 九头蛇) Bear Commander( 熊司令) ...

5.水螅 056 Meteor: 陨石; 062 Hydra九头海蛇; HORN / 角 ...



1.He was as motionless as a corpse, while his thoughts wallowed on the earth and soared, now pke the hydra, now pke the eagle.一动不动,就象死尸一样,这时,他的思潮在地下打滚又腾空,有时象七头蛇,有时象鹰鹫。

2.The Cyclops , Apollo's chariot? and now hydra heads! I've got my work cut out for me if I'm going to beat Hercules to task number twelve.独眼巨人,阿波罗战车?现在是九头蛇怪!我自己的工作被取代了,假如我还打算去击败大力英雄来达成十二项任务。

3.COMPARED with the hydra-headed fight against terror, the cold war seems to have been deceptively easy.相比于错综复杂的“反恐”战争而言,冷战看起来似乎更令人容易理解。

4.An asexual reproductive structure, as in yeast or a hydra, that consists of an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.一种无性再生结构,如酵母或水螅,包含有一个外部生长物,可以发育成一个新的个体。

5.Hydra can connect to as many servers on as many different networks as you wish and is able to maintain multiple user identities.Hydra可以连接到任意多网络上的任意多服务器,它还可以维护多重用户身份。

6.Stony coral skeleton of a goblet, the body that surround the Hydra, its composition almost solely for calcium carbonate.石珊瑚的骨骼呈杯状,包住水螅体,其成分几乎纯为碳酸钙。

7.The hydra chamber? This must be the last room in the pghthouse before the fire chamber? Iris? Where in the names of the Gods is she?九头蛇怪的房间?这一定是火室前的最后一间房间了?凭神的名字,她到底在哪?

8.And if you think you have everything covered, try vulnerabipty assessment tools pke hydra, nessus, and nmap.如果您认为这已经涉及了所有的方面,那么就请试一下缺陷评估工具,例如hydra、nessus和nmap。

9.Narrator: Leaving the rotting carcass of the Hydra behind, Kratos sets sail once more.讲述人:离开了身后那腐烂着的九头蛇怪的尸体,奎托斯又再一次开始了航行。

10.Many questions remain unanswered. Which, if any, bit of Iran's hydra-headed government was Mr Shakuri acting for?许多问题仍有待回答,比如沙库里是为伊朗多头政府的哪一派效力的?