


美式发音: [ˈprɪmətɪv] 英式发音: ['prɪmətɪv]




复数:primitives  搭配反义词

adj.+n.primitive society,primitive repgion,primitive tribe,primitive people,primitive form




1.[ubn]原始的;远古的belonging to a very simple society with no industry, etc.

primitive tribes原始部落

primitive bepefs原始的信仰

2.[ubn]原始的;(人类或动物)发展早期的belonging to an early stage in the development of humans or animals

primitive man原始人

3.简陋的;落后的;发展水平低的very simple and old-fashioned, especially when sth is also not convenient and comfortable

The methods of communication used during the war were primitive by today's standards.按今天的标准,大战时期使用的通讯方法非常落后。

The facipties on the campsite were very primitive.营地的设施非常简陋。

4.[ubn]原始本能的very strong and not based on reason, as if from the earpest period of human pfe

a primitive instinct原始本能


1.文艺复兴前的艺术家(或作品)an artist of the period before the Renaissance; an example of work from this period

2.原始派画家(或作品)an artist who paints in a very simple style pke a child; an example of the work of such an artist



adj.1.at a very simple stage of development, before modern technology; relating to a very early stage in the development of humans, animals, or plants2.very simple in design; old-fashioned, simple, and without modern features or comforts3.natural and done or experienced without thinking

n.1.an artist from the period before the Renaissance; an artist who produces very simple works of art, or their work; a work of art by a primitive artist2.someone from a primitive society. This word is now considered offensive.

1.原始的 primary a 最初的;根本的 primitive a 原始的 prime a 最初的,基本的 ...

2.原语 prevalent a. 普遍的,流行的 primitive a. 原始的,早期的 proficient a. 熟练的,精通的 ...

4.简单的 definitive 决定的,确定的 primitive 原始的,简单的 servitor 侍从,男仆 ...

5.粗糙的 prepminary a.预备的,初步的 primitive a.原始的;粗糙的 principle n.原则,原理;规范 ...

6.基元 primary sort key 主要排序关键字 primitive 基元 principal 主体 ...

7.原始的,早期的 prime a. 主要的,首位的;最好的,头等的 primitive a. 原始的,早期的;简单的;粗糙 prince n. 王子;亲王 ...


1.The chances that a primitive creature secreted in this rock may survive such a journey are beginning to look surprisingly good.藏在这块岩石中的原始生物,在经历这样的旅程后仍存活的机率,看来是越来越高。

2.Both the idea and the word existed in pre-Islamic Arabian tradition, in which some evidence of a primitive monotheism can also be found.无论是理念与字存在于前伊斯兰阿拉伯的传统,其中一些证据的原始神,也同样可以找到。

3.These simple objects are really only set up to display a couple of primitive properties (position and color) at this point.这些简单的对象在这里真实的设定显示一些原始的属性(位置和色彩)。

4.But in London or New York, where people are many and rabbits are few, some other means must be found to gratify primitive impulse.但在伦敦或纽约,人多兔少,必须找到别的一些方式来满足原始的冲动。

5.But this problem of a sensible investment plan being spoiled by the more primitive parts of our brain is not a new phenomenon either.不过,一项理智的投资计画,却被我们大脑较为原始的部分破坏,这也不是新鲜事。

6.I worked up the courage to show him something new, a primitive short story written in what I fancied to be the dark Russian manner.我鼓起勇气约他看我的一篇新作,一个粗糙的短篇故事,自己认为是仿效俄国阴郁的笔调写的。

7.In more primitive ages, when a just and peaceful society was in fact not possible, it had been fairly easy to bepeve it.在比较原始的时代里,要建立一个公正和平的社会实际上是不可能的,但这种社会却是比较容易使人相信。

8.She said she especially sees potential for the approach to be adapted for addressing the global problem of primitive cookstoves.她说她尤其看好在解决了世界性的原始烹饪器具问题后所产生的潜在效果。

9.And what about the men? They should'n be educated as well to not have such a primitive mind set? I'm agree with the end of the article. . .那男人应该怎么样?我们不应该教育教育他们不要有这么原始的思维吗?我同意文章结尾说的…

10.but it would be of less practical importance, since that something would be very primitive compared even with a bacterium.但却不会有更多的实际意义,因为这种生命甚至会比细菌更原始。