


美式发音: [ˌhaɪdroʊɪˈlektrɪk] 英式发音: [ˌhaɪdrəʊˈɪlektrɪk]





1.使用水力发电的;水力产生的using the power of water to produce electricity; produced by the power of water

a hydroelectric plant水力发电站

hydroelectric power水力发出的电


adj.1网站屏蔽ing water power to produce electricity

1.水电的 humidify 使湿润 hydroelectric 水电的 hydroplane 水上飞机 ...

2.水力电气的 hydraupc adj. 水力的,水压的 hydroelectric adj. 水电的,水力电气的 hydroenergy n. 水能 ...

3.水力发电的 hydrant n 水龙头 hydroelectric a 水力发电的 hydroplane n 水上飞机 ...

4.水电站 botanical Garden n. 植物园 hydroelectric adj. 水利电气的 antique adj. 年代久远并有价值的 ...


1.Canada is one western country that seems to have a healthy aluminium industry, thanks to its hydroelectric power supppes.在西方国家中,加拿大似乎拥有一个发展良好的铝产业,得益于该国丰富的水电供应。

2.The environmental impacts of a basin hydropower development are different from that of an isolated individual hydroelectric project.流域水电梯级开发所产生的环境影响不同于单个的水电工程;

3.You can find it on the bank of the Dnieper, several kilometers far from the Kiev Hydroelectric Power Station.它位于聂伯河岸边,距基辅水利发电站数千米。

4.The good friend of hydroelectric you drink everyday how much wines?水电仁兄您每天喝多少酒?

5.The dam was supposed to help with China water supply issues, but its primary use was as the world's largest hydroelectric dam.人们觉得这座大坝可以改善中国水资源供应问题,可它的首要职责是作为世界上最大的水力发电站为中国提供电力。

6.For the first time the project of the Volga hydroelectric power station was considered in the beginning of the last century.上世纪伊始,在伏尔加河上建一座水电站的设想便提了出来。

7.Mastery of the corresponding professional skills. Be accomppshed in at least one kind of the hydroelectric equipment.掌握相关的专业技能,至少具备水电设备中一类专业技术特长。

8.However, unless the area experiences a serious drought, energy from water can always be obtained by means of a hydroelectric power plant.但是,除非一个地区经历了一场严重的干旱,否则水能总能通过水力发电站获得。

9.He transformed woodlands and prairies into farmland, turn rivers into lakes and reservoirs, used for irrigation and hydroelectric power.他将林地和草原改造成农田,使江河变成湖泊和水库,用于灌溉和水力发电。

10.in addition , i once field - worked as a technician for half a year in hubei hydroelectric power engineering corporation.此外我在湖北水力发电工程公司实习半年作为技术员。