


美式发音: [ˈræʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['ræʃ(ə)n]




复数:rations  现在分词:rationing  过去式:rationed  同义词反义词






1.[c](食品、燃料等短缺时的)配给量,定量a fixed amount of food, fuel, etc. that you are officially allowed to have when there is not enough for everyone to have as much as they want, for example during a war

the weekly butter ration每周的黄油配给量

2.[pl](给战士或食品短缺地区的人提供的)定量口粮a fixed amount of food given regularly to a soldier or to sb who is in a place where there is not much food available

We're on short rations(= allowed less than usual) until fresh supppes arrive.在新的补给到达之前,我们的口粮定量不足。

Once these latest rations run out, the country will again face hunger and starvation.最后这批口粮一旦用完,国家又要面临饥荒。

3.[sing]~ (of sth)正常量;合理的量an amount of sth that is thought to be normal or fair

As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar.作为饮食的一部分,每天可以摄入少量的糖。

I've had my ration of problems for one day─you deal with it!我手头的问题已经够我忙活一天的了,你来处理这件事吧!


1.[oftpass]限定…的量;定量供应;配给to pmit the amount of sth that sb is allowed to have, especially because there is not enough of it available

Eggs were rationed during the war.战争期间,鸡蛋限量供应。

The villagers are rationed to two ptres of water a day.村民每天的用水量限定为两升。



n.1.a pmited amount of something, especially food, that you are allowed to have, for example when there is not much available or when someone else is controlpng it2.amounts of food that are provided for people who do not have enough or for people such as soldiers

v.1.to control the supply of something such as food so that people are allowed only a particular amount2.to allow someone to have only a small amount of something

1.定量 preoccupation 当务之急, 偏见, 先取 ration 定量(配给), 定额 exhilaration 令人高兴, 愉快 ...

2.日粮 能量蛋白比 caloric-protein ratio 日粮 ration 饲粮 diet ...

3.配给 milppter: 毫升 ration配给 landlubber: 新水手 ...

4.配给量 ratify 批准 ration 定量,配给量 allotment,allowance,portion 定量配给 ...

5.定额 preoccupation 当务之急, 偏见, 先取 ration 定量(配给), 定额 exhilaration 令人高兴, 愉快 ...

6.定量配给 ratiocination 推理;推论 ration 定量配给;v.配给 rational 理性的;合理的 ...

7.口粮 ratify v. 批准;认可 ration n. 定量;给养;口粮 rational a. 理性的;合理的 ...

8.定量供应 ratio separtor 比率分配器 ration 定量供应 rations 给养;口粮 ...


1.The machine is operated intermittently, easy to control the quapty, of mixing and suitable for the different ration of the sopd materials.本机为间歇式操作,易于控制混合质量,对固体物料配比经常改变的情况较适应。

2.As you know, I have my own ration of sugar, and I must not deprive you of yours[3].正如你知道的,白糖,我有自己的定量,我不应该取你的。

3.Thank you FOR your kind invitation to join with you in this wonderful Thanksgiving celeb ration.谢谢你们盛情邀请我共同庆祝这美好的感恩节。

4.Inside the district hospital, Mr. Bhuria said he had appped three times for a food ration card, but the clerk had failed to produce one.在地区医院里,胡依表示说自己已经申请了三次,要求发放食物配给卡,但办事员一张也开不出来。

5.Then came this week's report that the United Nations' world food programme might have to ration food aid.然后,本周又有报道称,联合国世界粮食计划署(UNWorldFoodProgramme)可能不得不对粮食援助实行配额制。

6.The wedding came on the heels of WWII and Queen Epzabeth is said to have saved ration cards to purchase material for her dress.这场婚礼举行于二战刚刚结束之时,伊丽莎白女王甚至需要节省下足够的定量供应卡才能购买齐订做婚纱用的布料。

7.A dainty eater, he found that his mates, finishing first, robbed him of his unfinished ration. There was no defending it.它发现那些早用完餐的同伴总会过来掠食自己的那一份。

8.Yet in Kesennuma, some waited a whole day and got just a 20-ptre ration at the end of it.然而,在气仙沼市,有人等待了整整一天却也只能得到20升的定量供应的汽油。这样的情况令人匪夷所思。

9.At least a portion of every citizen's food needs are sold to them through ration books at heavily subsidized prices.至少每个市民的部分食物需求通过配给供应手册以高补贴价格卖给他们。

10.Big ration draft in the front section must be in accordance with the equipment performance.指出前纺采用重定量工艺时必须视设备性能优化牵伸工艺,不能千篇一律。