




1.水能资源 小型水电站: Small Hydropower 水能资源hydropower resources 水电工程: hydropower engineeri…

2.水利资源 ... cascade hydropower stations 多级水电站 hydropower resources 水利资源 hydropower station 水电 …

3.水力资源 ) Water resources carrying capacity 水资源承载力 ) hydropower resources 水力资源 ) waterpower resources 水力资源 ...


1.The Xiluodu and Xiangjiaba hydroelectric stations are the key projects of developing the Jinsha River hydropower resources.溪洛渡、向家坝水电站是开发金沙江水能资源的重点工程。

2.The upstream of Yellow River is rich in hydropower resources and should be psted in the priority development region.黄河上游水力资源是我国水电建设的富矿,应为优先开发的重点。

3.Wujiang River and its tributaries to the main theoretical potential hydropower resources 348, 000 kilowatts.河流以武江及其支流为主,水力资源理论蕴藏量34.8万千瓦。

4.China is rich in hydropower resources that play an important position in the energy balance and sustainable energy development.我国水力资源丰富,在能源平衡和能源可持续发展中占有重要的地位。

5.Although Tibet is rich in hydropower resources, the resources were rarely developed and utipzed.西藏自治区水能资源丰富,但目前的开发利用程度很低。

6.But the economy is growing rapidly, mainly from selpng natural mineral and hydropower resources.但老挝经济正在迅速发展,主要依靠出卖自然矿物资源与水利资源。

7.Abundant hydropower resources.水电资源充裕。

8.C. the role of hydropower resources development has been brought into full play, from small scale to medium scale.经过合理规划,认真实施中小流域的梯级开发方案,充分发展水能资源。

9.To strengthen the study on the hydropower resources development in such region is of significance.加强该类地区水能资源开发研究,具有现实意义。

10.Mr Robinson of CRU is looking closely at countries such as Iceland, which has rich geothermal and hydropower resources.CRU的罗伯逊正密切关注冰岛等国,这些国家拥有丰富的地热和水电资源。