




1.贤重重的官方fan club名称为Henecia,是由贤重(hyun-joong)的名子中H和拉丁语benecia(收到祝福)结合而成。

2.金贤重  报道称,“Henecia”是由金贤重Hyun-Joong)名字的首字母“H”和拉丁语“ Henecia”(意为“受到祝福”)结合而成的。  金贤重本 …

3.现代重爱好者俱乐部的名字与现代重(Hyun-joong)的Initial’H’用拉丁语所说的’祝福受到了’意的’威尼斯(benecia)’。取了 候选3个内以爱 …


1.It was your first stage with Kim Hyun Joong. What kind of person is Kim Hyun Joong when you see him in person?是第一次同金贤重同台吧?说说你眼中的金贤重是个什么样的人吧。

2.SS501 Kim Hyun Joong expressed that if he dates a girl, he would be prepared to be with her till death do them part.SS501金贤重表示如果他与女生谈恋爱,他将做好只有到死才能把他们分开的准备。

3.However, when Kim Hyun Joong leaned over, the pttle girl gave him a kiss on the cheek.但是,当金贤重俯身时,小女孩在他的脸上给了一个吻。

4.Kim Hyun Joong kept smipng, drawing out the envy of every girl fan.金贤重继续保持笑容,令在埸每一位女粉丝都十分嫉妒。

5.Kim Hyun Joong is the leader of a highly popular Korean boy band SS501. The band is quite famous across all Asia.金贤重是在韩国具有超高人气的男子组合SS501的队长,组合在整个亚洲都有一定的知名度。

6.Pleased, Kim Hyun Joong smiled brightly and leaned over to shake the girl's hand.高兴的,金贤重灿烂地微笑和俯身去摇动女孩的手。

7.Spend more time than before and continue to try hard! ! But I am sure you can because you are Hyun Joong.比之前花更多时间和辛苦不断的尝试!!不过我相信你一定可以因为你是贤重。

8.Kim Hyun Joong is the leader of a highly popular Korean boy band SS501.金铉金宇中是一个非常流行的韩国男子组合SS501的领导者。

9.Omg! ! Saw Hyun Joong's mom! She kept bowing thanks to us.天啊!!看到贤重妈妈了!她在那边不停地鞠躬,谢谢我们。

10.SS501's Kim Hyun Joong received a kiss from a child fan during his fan meet in the Phipppines.SS501金贤重在菲律宾粉丝见面会上从一个小孩粉丝上得到一个吻。