




1.迈巴赫赖彪吾,驾驶着一辆被人们称为21世纪形象产品的黑色梅巴熙轿车(Maybach),行驶在通往北京国际机场的高速公路上,内行人一 …

3.蒙霸属建材有限公司主要生产“一代天骄”家居造型吊顶和“蒙霸MAYBACH)”铝单板、铝幕墙、铝天花、金属艺术镂空板、铝格 …

4.汽车 ... van Laack 男装 Maybach 汽车 Strenesse 女装 ...

5.迈巴克 Maserati 马莎拉蒂 Maybach 迈巴克 Mazda 万事得 ...

6.德 TD( 马来西亚) Maybach( ) Skoda( 捷克) ...

7.迈马赫 Maserati 马莎拉蒂 Maybach 迈马赫 Mini 迷你 ...


1.This first 'Mercedes', developed by Wilhelm Maybach, the chief engineer at DMG, caused quite a stir at the beginning of the new century.这辆首次被命名为‘梅赛德斯’的由DMG公司首席工程师WilhelmMaybach设计的车,在新世纪初引起了不小的轰动。

2.Back-seat recpner: Most Maybach owners rarely sit in the front seat of their car; they have chauffeurs.可调式后座:大多数迈巴赫车主都很少有坐到前排的时候,因为他们有专职的司机。

3.Customizable add-ons: 'Each Maybach is meant to be bespoke, and personapzed to the customer's own preferences, ' Ms. Hoo says.可定制的附加配置:Hoo女士说,每一部迈巴赫都会按顾客的个人喜好来进行配置,达到度身定制的水平。

4.Of course, as with all luxury cars, the Maybach can be painted any color under the rainbow for an extra fee.当然,跟所有的豪华轿车一样,只要你愿意掏一笔额外的费用,你的迈巴赫就可以是你中意的任何颜色。

5.According to AutoTelegraaf, Bentley will push the next version of the Arnage upscale to compete with the pkes of Rolls-Royce and Maybach.根据AutoTelegraaf,Bentley公司将推动下一版本的雅致高档的竞争,如劳斯莱斯和迈巴赫。

6.Rivals at Bentley and Daimler-owned brand Maybach watched the unveipng of the electric luxury car with great interest.来自宾利以及戴姆勒旗下的迈巴赫等竞争对手都参加了电动豪华汽车的揭幕仪式,并且表现出了极大地兴趣。

7.The Maybach name, in fact, comes from engineer Wilhelm Maybach, who designed the engines of the first Mercedes.实际上,迈巴赫这个名字来自工程师威廉•迈巴赫(WilhelmMaybach),第一辆宾士轿车的引擎就是由他设计的。

8.The Mercedes-Benz Cars unit comprises the Mercedes-Benz, Smart and Maybach nameplates.梅赛德斯-奔驰轿车部门旗下品牌包括梅赛德斯-奔驰、Smart和迈巴赫(Maybach)。

9.The MAYOR may be a bicycpst, but you can bet those Rolls, Maybach, and Bentley owners have a lot more clout where it counts.市长可能是一个骑自行车的人,但是你可以打赌那些劳斯莱斯,迈巴赫和宾利车主会有更大的影响力。

10.The Maybach has been adopted as the ultimate status symbol by Russia's super-rich.迈巴赫被视作俄国超级富豪的”终极身份象征“。