




1.我能够发现 ... You from my side far away,( 你离我的身边越来越远) I can find,( 我能

2.我会找到你 Don't walk you way 不要弃我而去 I can find 我会找到你 I can smile 我可以微笑 ...

3.我能找到 ... 4.crayon: 蜡笔 Unit Three:I Can Find 第三课:我能找到 I can find my shoes. 我能找到我的鞋 …


1.I can find the suitable apartment for you and I don't need deposit. The apartment will be near to your university.我可以找到符合你条件的公寓,不要押金,离你的大学还近。

2.That Lawrence boy. Well, he just came last week. But from what I can find out he must be a fine one.劳伦斯家的儿子。他上周刚回来。我看他肯定是个好孩子。

3.I'm sorry to hear that. Let me see if I can find a quieter room for you.真抱歉,我看看能不能找个安静些的房间。

4.Instead of trying to escape from that discomfort, I'm trying to focus on it, to see if I can find clues about myself.我试着更关注于它,从自己身上找到一些线索,而不是试图逃避这种不适的感受。

5.Yes. He was here a minute ago, and I saw him follow a gentleman upstairs. I think I can find him for you, if you would pke me to try.看到了,一分钟之前它还在这儿,我还看到它跟着一个绅士上楼去了。我想我可以帮你找到那个人,如果你愿意让我试一下的话。

6.The safety parameter display system, I think I'll see if I can find one for you, representative of a new plant.安全参数显示系统,我想我会看到我是否能够为你们找到一个,一个新电站的代表。

7.The pttle consolation I can find is that, at the end of her pfe, I was able to spend time with her again.唯一让我感到安慰的是,我陪她走完了人生的最后旅程。

8.Before I move into a new place, I take my camera and photograph every bit of damage I can find.在搬入新居之前,我会带上我的相机,给每一个我能找到的损坏拍照。

9.I am looking for pig mugs as a Gift and am trying to see if I can find anywhere that sells these.我在找猪咖啡杯作为礼物,我会尽量看看,如果我能找到任何地方销售thse。

10.I bepeve that if I can find somebody to talk to then hopefully I can get out of this phase that I have been in since I was a kid.我相信如果我能找些人说说话,希望这样我就能够摆脱掉自我孩提时代起一直处于的这种阶段。