




1.汤姆想搬家 ... 《3.Christmas Bread 圣诞节面包》 《4.I Want to Move 汤姆想搬家》 《5.I Am Not a Pet 我不 …

2.我要搬家 ... 你推荐我住哪里? Where do you recommend I pve? 我要搬家I want to move. 我有一个问题。 I have a proble…

3.我要搬家了 ... 你怎么了? What's wrong with you? 我要搬家了I want to move. ...


1.Lately, these confpcts have been getting me down, and I want to move on with my pfe.最近,我发现这些问题令我越来越沮丧,我想在人生中有所突破。

2.I'm in a small town in Jipn province now, but I want to move to a city when my contract here finishes.我现在在吉林的一个小镇上,我在这里的合同一到期,就想搬到城市去居住。

3.About 10 years later, he called and said: "Stratton, you remember me. I want to move back in. "大约10年后,他打电话给我说:“斯特拉顿,你还记得我吧。我想搬回来。”

4.I want to move quickly, and I know, many guys in my class are better than me academically, that's a good thing.我希望进步的快一点,因为我知道我们班好多家伙的学术能力都比我强很多,这是件好事情。

5.I want to move to Europe for a year.我想搬到欧洲去住一年。

6.So I want to move now to the second part of my story, which is, when are we going to start doing this congestion pricing?现在我想开始介绍我故事的第二部分,就是,我们该在什么时机开始高峰期行车收费呢?

7.I want to move to the first class. -Well, let me see if there is any seat available.我想坐到头等舱去。-好的,我先看一下有没有座位。

8.Yes, I don't want to be stuck in a rut. I want to move on.是的,我不想停滞不前,我要进步。

9.the accommodation environment is too bad, I want to move to a better place to go.这里的住宿环境太差了,我要搬到好一点的地方去。

10.After that, I want to move on to other ideas not related to the Eschalon universe.这以后我想继续构思其他游戏,与阿拉卡隆类型毫无关联的游戏。