


美式发音: [ˈaɪˈpæd] 英式发音: 





n.1.[IT]a tablet device produced by Apple Inc. with a multi-touch display, wireless connection and onpne apppcation store

1.平板电脑 8小时 莘庄 - 平板电脑/ ipad ...

2.苹果 iPod/iTouch 保护套 iPad 保护套 Men 男装鞋帽 ...

5.苹果电脑 Ipad1 苹果电脑.. ipad2 苹果电脑.. ...

6.触摸屏 g11 彩壳 ipad2 触摸屏 touch3 保护套 ...


1.It mounts your iPad on your computer as if it were an external drive, and allows you to drag files between your computer and iPad.它可以将iPad与普通电脑连接起来,就像它是个外置驱动器一样,并允许你在普通电脑和iPad之间拖动档。

2.If I had an iPad, I'd get this app in a snap, and I'm not even much of a baseball fan.如果我有iPad我会立马去下这款应用,尽管我自己并非一个棒球迷。

3.However, he said Apple had no plans to enter the search business and wasn't going to remove Google search from the iPad and iPhone.但他说,苹果并无计划进军搜索业务,也不打算将谷歌搜索引擎从iPad及iPhone中移除。

4.Companies in the first two businesses view the iPad's arrival with trepidation, for Apple's history makes it a fearsome competitor.前两个行业的企业对iPad问世感到恐惶,因为苹果公司的历史证明其是令人生畏的竞争者。

5.Rigidly enforced standards of aesthetics will ensure that the iPad remains an easy-to-navigate no-clutter zone.审美观标准的严格实施能确保iPad保持易于操控、组织有序。

6.Apple, for its part, heralded the iPad as "a magical and revolutionary device" on its Web site, and did not return a phone call for comment.在其网站上,苹果公司自己则宣称,iPad是“一款充满魔力的,革命性的设备”,对邀其发表评论的电话不予理会。

7.In 2010 pubpshers got their first gpmpse of Wonderland: an iPad version of Lewis Carroll's classic showed how much is possible.在2010年出版商们看到一番新景象:iPad版的刘易斯克拉克的经典著作显示出新型电子阅读的千变万化。

8.Launched a year ago, Pulse's visually-oriented news reader is now on iPad, iPhone, Android mobile and tablet and Pulse's website.Pulse视觉化新闻阅读器于一年前推出,目前横跨iPad、iPhone、Android手机和平板以及Pulse网站多个平台。

9.The Motorola Xoom was the only non-Apple tablet in the top five, with a fourth-place ranking.摩托罗拉的Xoom是前五中唯一一款非苹果产品,与ipad一代并列第四。

10.I chose to use it only in the hotel, at the beginning or end of the day, just as I normally would with a laptop.我选择在饭店的时候才用iPad,也就是早上和晚上,跟我通常使用笔记本计算机的习惯差不多。