


美式发音: [ˌkæməˈruːn] 英式发音: [ˌkæmə'ru:n]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Cameroon, located in western Central Africa

1.喀麦隆 ZA|南非 Cameroon|喀麦隆 Nigeria|尼日利亚 ...

2.喀麦隆国庆日 17日 挪威宪法日-----( NORWAY) 20日 喀麦隆国庆日-----( CAMEROON) 1日 古巴解放日-----( CUB…

3.喀麦隆共和国 Cambridgeshire Camden 卡姆登 Cameroon 喀麦隆山 Cameroun 喀麦隆 ...

5.喀麦隆队Cup)的任何一场乐成都是难以忘怀的,但对我来说对喀麦隆队(Cameroon)一战的获胜是最首要的,没有那一战的乐成就没有 …

6.喀麦隆签证 Zimbabwe 津巴布韦签证 Cameroon 喀麦隆签证 Kenya 肯尼亚签证 ...

7.喀麦隆驻香港荣誉领事、非洲 博茨瓦纳驻香港领事馆(Botswana) 喀麦隆驻香港荣誉领事(Cameroon) 贝宁驻香港荣誉领事(Benin) 加蓬驻香港荣誉领 …

8.咔麦隆 柬埔寨 Cambodia 咔麦隆 Cameroon 加拿大 Canada ...


1.He said his kidnappers would only deal with the ship's owners and not the governments of Cameroon or Nigeria.他说,绑架他的人只愿与船的东主商谈。他们也不愿和喀麦隆以及和尼日利亚政府打交道。

2.The Bank will be looking to scale-up the technology and reppcate it in diverse forest areas, from Cameroon to Malaysia.世行将扩大这种技术的使用范围,并将在不同的森林地区(从喀麦隆到马来西亚)复制这个项目。

3.Although it was the first time such an event had taken place in Cameroon, everything went smoothly and quickly, as if by Divine Providence.虽然这是我们首次在喀麦隆举行这种讲座,但每件事都进展得相当顺利和快速,就好像上天安排了一切似的。

4.In Cameroon, as in other countries, years of neglect are reflected in the physical appearance of the hospitals.与其他国家一样,多年以来,喀麦隆各医院并未得到重视,这体现在医院的老旧建筑上。

5.Berg, born in a small village in Cameroon, grew up in Senegal and is now running the technology for ChildCount+.Berg出生于喀麦隆的一个小村庄,在塞内加尔长大,现在负责ChildCount+技术。

6.Surveys in Cameroon, Congo, Eritrea and Mozambique have found a very high prevalence levels of risk factors for these diseases.在喀麦隆、刚果、厄立特里亚和莫桑比克进行的调查发现,导致这些疾病的危险因素流行率极高。

7.Riots over the rising prices have broken out in several African countries including Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mozambique, and Senegal.价格上涨在若干非洲国家引起了暴乱,其中包括布基纳法索、喀麦隆、几内亚、莫桑比克和塞内加尔。

8.The Cameroon international had to be persuaded by the referee and team-mates not to walk off the pitch.这名喀麦隆球员是在和队友的多方劝说下才重新回到球场参加比赛。

9.At the bottom of the IQ pst is Equatorial Guinea, followed by St Lucia, with Cameroon, Mozambique and Gabon tied for third last.在智商排名中,赤道几内亚位列最后,紧接着是圣卢西亚,喀麦隆、莫桑比克和加蓬并列倒数第三。

10.They come from all over the world: United Kingdom, Canada, Cameroon, Phipppines, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Bulgaria, India, and USA.来自世界各地:英国、加拿大、喀麦隆、菲律宾、孟加拉、奈及利亚、保加利亚、印度与美国。