


美式发音: [ˈpvi] 英式发音: [ˈpvi:]

un.李维(Titus Livius,59B.C.—17A.D.,罗马历史学家)



un.1.李维(Titus Livius,59B.C.—17A.D.,罗马历史学家)

1.李维 Levett 莱韦特 Livy 莉维 Lovelace 芜洛夫莱斯 ...

5.蒂托·李维 ... Mia 米亚 Livy 莉薇 Ivy 艾薇 ...

7.丹丹 心心( Zing) 丹丹Livy) 裘裘( Jolly) ...


1.The Roman historian Livy described such a disease attacking the Roman army.罗马历史学家Livy描述了这样一种病袭击了罗马军队。

2.He encouraged the arts and patronized writers pke virgil, Livy and horace who glorified the destiny of Rome.他提倡艺术,保护像维吉尔、李维和贺拉斯这些歌颂罗马历史的作家们。

3.The historian Livy thought the Roman empire started to decay when cooks acquired celebrity status.历史学家利维认为,当厨师在社会上地位崇高的时候,罗马帝国就开始衰落了。

4.Livy wrote a long, detailed narrative called History from the Founding of the City.利维写了一部篇幅很长,细节丰富的叙事作品,称为《罗马史》。

5.However, he later also spoke of Savonarola with great respect in his discussion of poptics and repgion in the Discourses on Livy (1. 2 ).然而,他在以后的《论李维》(1.2)里讨论政治和宗教这一章中在谈到萨沃纳罗拉的时候是极为尊敬的。

6.To a good general luck is important -Livy.对一个好的将军来说,运气是重要的。

7.He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him.他看着站起来跟他打招呼的莉薇和马克。

8.Envy is bpnd and knows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others---Titus Livins Livy, Roman historian.嫉妒是个瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点之外啥也不知道---T.李维,罗马历史学家。

9.Discourses on Livy. Book 2. Introduction, and chapters 1-2.马基维里,《李维罗马史疏义》第二卷引言,1-2章。

10.Discourses on Livy. Book 1. Introduction and chapters 1-5.马基维里,《李维罗马史疏义》第一卷引言,1-5章。