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abbr.(=International Amateur Athletic Federation)国际业余田径联合会

网络释义:国际田联(International Association of Athletics Federations);国际田径总会;国际田径联合会


abbr.1.(=International Amateur Athletic Federation)国际业余田径联合会

abbr.1.(=International Amateur Athletic Federation)

1.国际田联(International Association of Athletics Federations)国际田联大奖赛是由国际田联IAAF)主办的高水平田径系列赛事。每年国际田联会确立当年的大奖赛比赛项目,设立若干站 …

2.国际田径总会但国际田径总会IAAF)在30多分钟后,宣判罗伯斯犯规出局。国际田径总会接到中国团队的抗议后,对比赛录影进行分析, …

3.国际田径联合会在国际田径联合会(IAAF)212个成员国中,除朝鲜等5个国家以外,来自207个国家的2472名运动员将参加大邱田径世锦赛,创 …

4.国际业余田径联合会(International Amateur Athletic Federation)根据国际业余田径联合会IAAF)关于田径比赛的规定,起跑犯规指以下两种情况之一:International Amateur Athletic Federat…

5.国际业余田联在国际业余田联IAAF)比赛中被击败外,他在锦标赛级别比赛中的王者地位始终无人可以动摇。在大阪,他以世界冠军的实 …

6.国际田径联会国际田径联会IAAF)周二公布角逐全年最佳男运动员的 5强名单,包括美国跑手基尔、 110米栏选手奥利华、两次 800米世 …


1.He added doctors consulted by the IAAF said it would take days or even weeks before a conclusion could be reached from her gender test.他还说,国际田联咨询的医生表示,塞门娅的性别测试最终结论可能需要几天甚至几周时间才能出炉。

2.However, the IAAF retained the word "amateur" in its name until its 2001 Congress at which the IAAF's title was changed to its current form.然而,国际田联却一直保留其全名中“业余”一词,直到2001年国际田联大会上才把国际业余田径联合会的名称改为目前的形式。

3.The IAAF's order of a gender test caused fierce protests in South Africa and complaints that it infringed her human rights.国际田联决定对她进行性别测试,这立刻在南非引起了激烈的抗议和抱怨,指责国际田联侵犯了塞门娅的人权。

4."They've been very quiet, " he said of the IAAF.关于国际田联,他说:“他们一直很平静。”

5.London 2012 chief Lord Coe, an IAAF vice-president, said: "The issue is very simple for me. "2012年伦敦奥运会主席,国际田联副主席LordCoe说,对我来说这件事非常简单。

6.Competitors run during the men's senior race at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships in Bydgoszcz, Poland March 28.在竞争对手的男子在国际田联世界越野锦标赛在比得哥什高级赛跑,波兰三月28。

7.But president Lamine Diack said no one at Sunday's IAAF council meeting had asked for the rule to be changed.国际田联主席LamineDiack说在周日国际田联委员会上没有人要求更改上述规定。

8.Russian female athletes were provisionally suspended Thursday by the IAAF for doping-related matters and will miss the Beijing Games.因涉嫌服用禁药,7名俄罗斯女子田径运动员7月31日遭国际田联临时禁赛,将无法参加即将召开的北京奥运会。

9.Weiss said because of Semenya's age, the IAAF had decided to keep her away from a news conference following her victory.维斯称,由于塞门娅年纪还小,国际田联决定在比赛结束后不让她参加记者会。

10.Obstacles to women running late, the IAAF in 1997 began to promote.女子障碍跑开展很晚,国际田联1997年才开始推广。