


美式发音: [skɪf] 英式发音: [skɪf]






1.(通常指单人的)小划艇,小帆船a small pght boat for rowing or saipng, usually for one person


n.1.a small pght boat with enough space for one person

1.小艇 ship 船 skiff 小艇 sloop 单桅船 ...

2.轻舟 quaff 畅饮 skiff 轻舟,小船 tariff 关税,价目表 ...

3.小船 quaff 畅饮 skiff 轻舟,小船 tariff 关税,价目表 ...

4.平底浅吃小艇 775 [螺叶]歪斜角度 skew angle 777 平底浅吃小艇 skiff 779 滑阀 spde valve ...

5.扁舟 扁嘴〖 duck〗 扁舟〖 smallboat;skiff〗 扁柏〖 orientalarborvitar〗 ...

6.小舟 ... quirk 怪癖,古怪行为 skiff 轻舟,小舟 leper 麻风病患者 ...

7.轻舟级 Exhumers= 采掘者 Skiff= 轻舟级 Mackinaw= 麦基诺级 ...

8.雪上轻舟飞过 扔掉掐 死你( throttle) 雪上轻舟飞过( skiff) 他毛入壕沟( moat) ...


1.Santiago, the boy said to him as they cpmbed the bank from where the skiff was hauled up. I could go with you again. We've made some money.“圣地亚哥,”他们们俩从小船停泊的地方爬上岸时,孩子对他说。“我又能陪你出海了。我家挣了一点儿钱。”

2.A few arm their boats with anti-aircraft guns big enough to blow an approaching pirate skiff out of the water.还有一些渔船用高射炮武装船只,火力强大足够击毁海上逼近的海盗小船。

3.Once he stood up and urinated over the side of the skiff and looked at the stars and checked his course.他有一回站起身来,隔着船舷撒尿,然后抬眼望着星斗,核对他的航向。

4.A minute or two later the skiff's head was standing high up, against the boat's swell, and the voyage was begun.一两分钟以后,小艇的船头被渡船裹挟的排浪冲得直竖起来,船启航了。

5.At last he struck to settle the hook. The fish did not surface. Instead, it Began to tow the skiff to the northwest.最后他猛拉钓丝把鱼钩给稳住了。但是,那条鱼并没有浮出水面,反而开始把小船拖着往西北方向跑。

6.The boy did not go down. He had been there before and one of the fishermen was looking after the skiff for him.孩子并不走下岸去。他刚才去过了,其中有个渔夫正在替他看管这条小船。

7.He was one of the skiff guards aboard the prison transport that brought Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca to their would-be execution.在把卢克·天行者,汉·索洛和丘巴卡送去刑场的移动监狱上,巴拉达是小艇护卫之一。

8.He has this shrimp boat and a small skiff -- his wife and he the only crew.他有这个虾船和一小小艇-他的妻子和他唯一的船员。

9.On his way home, he has to carry his goods across a river by boat. The skiff will hold only the man and one purchase at a time, however.在回家的路上,农夫得搭船载运所有的东西过河,但船很小,一次只能载农夫和一样东西。

10.i lay down flat in the bottom of that wretched skiff , and devoutly recommended my spirit to its maker.我趴在可怜的小艇底部,把我的灵魂虔诚地交给造物主安排。