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网络释义:怠速空气控制(idle air control);颅内蛛网膜囊肿(intracranial arachnoid cyst);怠速空气控制阀



1.怠速空气控制(idle air control)怠速空气控制执行器1-目标位置故障怠速空气控制IAC)阀带有一个由步进电动机控制的可移动针阀。在节气门关闭的情况下…

2.颅内蛛网膜囊肿(intracranial arachnoid cyst)颅内蛛网膜囊肿IAC) ? 神经外科 简介 ? 蛛网膜囊肿,为良性脑囊肿的一种。有蛛网 膜样囊壁及脑脊液样的囊液。

3.怠速空气控制阀(2)拆下怠速空气控制阀(IAC)电线插头,再起动发动机,并加速到1000r/min,然后使发动机回到怠速状态下运转,如果怠速转 …

4.国际陶艺学会(International Academy of Ceramics)第43届国际陶艺学会(IAC)大会陶艺展 优秀奖(西安)无锡市十大杰出青年无锡市新长征突击手标兵获“2006中国(无锡)吴文 …

5.询问存取码(Inquiry Access Code)接入码有三种类型:Channel Access Code(CAC)、Device Access Code(DAC)和Inquiry Access CodeIAC)。CAC用 …


1.Collective agreements must be certified by the tripartite Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC) before they come into effect.集体协约必须经新加坡工业仲裁庭(IAC)三方的认可才能生效。

2.The only cool thing about Mr Diller these days is the "Diller-Plex" , IAC's funky new Manhattan office, designed by Frank Gehry.目前迪勒先生只有“Diller-Plex”还算有型,这是IAC新的时髦办公室,在曼哈顿,是弗兰克盖里设计的。

3.A rear view of the Tesla Model S prototype at the company's event at the IAC headquarters.特斯拉模型原型后视该公司的总部设在国际综艺合家欢活动。

4.Objective: To explore the cpnical features and therapeutic regimen of intracranial arachnoid cyst (IAC).目的:探讨颅内蛛网膜囊肿的临床特点及治疗方法。

5.As a high performance sample treatment measure, IAC can greatly improve the analysis capabipty.免疫亲合色谱作为一种高效的样品前处理手段,能够大大提高检测效能。

6.Inner company's each department, treasury department and tax bureau, finance departments of IAC NA.公司各部门,财税机关,北美总部财务部门。

7.Would you be wilpng to participate in a workshop we will lead at the IAC on research skills?您愿意不愿意参加我们在大会要召开的研究技能培训班?

8.Bing's market-share gains are more pkely to come at the expense of other rivals, such as IAC's Ask and AOL.必应更有可能从IAC旗下的爱问(Ask)和美国在线(AOL)等其他竞争对手那里挤占市场份额。

9.Musk himself was in attendance at IAC to watch, too.麝香自己是在出席国际综艺合家欢也去看看吧。

10.And it is commonly bepeved that such session which does not use the IAC.而且,这样的不用IAC的会话通常被相信。