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网络释义:身份及访问管理(Identity and Access Management)



abbr.1.Institute of Administrative Management2.internal auditory meatus3.Institute of Advanced Motorists

1.身份及访问管理(Identity and Access Management)Analysis,网络行为分析/审计)厂家和IAM(Identity and Access Management)厂家等。一方面,随着安全防御建设由防外为主逐 …


1.Therefore, each allocation unit has at least one IAM page for each file on which it has extents.因此,每个分配单元在有区的每个文件中至少有一个IAM页。

2.At the dock Iam shocked to see the pocket rocket made of a neighborhood of rock.在码头看到一块岩石做的玲珑火箭,我感到恐惧。

3.because iam tired tired for you tired for me we make ourselves happy regardless of how much grudging we have!因为我累了自己,累了你,我们使自己高兴,无论多少勉强我们!

4.I lost goals, I feel that Iam drifting on the time current pke a leaf, the pfe is meaningless as if it was dead water.我失去了目标,感觉就像树叶一样漂流在时间的小溪中,生活无趣的像一潭死水。

5.Dutch courage because Iam now about to return to the train station and spend a few hours committing a deadly sin: queue jumping.荷兰的勇气,因为荫现在返回到火车站,花了几个小时犯下致命的罪孽:插队。

6.At present Iam ready to promise that the instant that I can communicate with you without endangering my own combinations, I shall do so.现在我愿保证,只要对于我全盘筹划没有危害,到时候,我就一定立刻告诉你们。

7.iam sure that, without modern weapons, i would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear.我断定,如果没有现代化的武器,要我和一只熊去争洞穴,我会出洋相的。

8.According to an IAM news release, the "new contract is a dramatic improvement over the original offer. " It did not provide details.不过根据IAM人士透露,与原先提议相比,这份新的协议将会是巨大的进步,但是细枝末节只字未提。

9.I hope you know how proud Iam of you, father. Happy Father's Day! Happiness always!爸爸,我希望您能知道我是多么为您感应自豪啊,祝您父亲节欢愉,永远欢愉!

10.But, I feel, Iam still lucky, because at least I have a dream, if I have a dream, I will have a sweat feepng.不过,我觉得,我还是幸运的,因为我至少还有梦想,只要有梦想,就会有一份属于自己的甜蜜心情。