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1.不同化 fer+ence_→ 带来环绕→周围) (differernt+iate不同化) ferv+esce→ 去掉热)→退烧) ...

2.去掉价值 (prec+ious→ 有价值的) prec+iate去掉价值→贬值) (ap+prehend→ [被] …

3.e卮 可半 re 召e卮 iate 叨c另 ave ...

4.自动测试设备 (hepo+trop 转 + fol+iate去掉树叶) 运气,财富 (exhaust+ed→ [力气]被抽干了) 彻 底的, 穷尽 …

6.后缀 ... ap 加强语气 iate 后缀 propr=proper 恰当的 ...

7.晚来的 capricorn-- 摩羯座;摩羯宫 iate-- 晚来的 gemini-- 双子星座;双子宫 ...

8.国际戒酒教育协会 ... 国际戒酒协会 Ita 国际戒酒教育协会 Iate 国际战略研究所 Iiss ...


1.Iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.黄昏时分,他在遥远的西海结束了旅行,然后就乘上金船返回东方的家中。

2.Don't tell me to improve my diet. Iate a carrot once noting happened.不要告诉我改变饮食,我曾吃了一个胡萝卜但是一点事都没有发生。

3.If it's apoIogy time, you're months Iate.如果你是来道歉的那已经晚了三个月

4.Three years later, Iate it.三年后,我吃了它。

5.Never too Iate. Aren't you gIad we went to that book fair?一点也不晚难道我们去了那个书展你不高兴?

6.Yesterday, Iate a lot of seafoods in hong Kong.昨天,我在香港吃了很多海鲜。

7.IATE; International Association for the Advancement of Educational Research;国际教育研究促进协会;

8.Analysis of Poptically Checking Factors for the Poptical Development in the Iate Qing Dynasty晚清政治发展之政治阻滞因素分析

9.Study on Using the Grads of Serum-ascites Albumin to Different-iate the Properties of Ascites以血清-腹水白蛋白梯度鉴别腹水性质的探讨

10.the ambassador of persia ! - excuse us for being iate波斯的大使!-原谅我们来晚了