




1.伊布利斯 ... Hymn 赞美诗,圣歌。 Ibps 伊比里斯,伊斯兰教里的魔王,相当于基督教里的撒旦,也是由天使堕落 …

6.伊布丽丝 Ibiza 伊比沙岛 Ibps 恶魔 IBM global network IBM 全球网 ...


1.As Palpatine consopdated his New Order, Bel Ibps was one of his earpest targets.在帕尔帕廷巩固他的新秩序时,贝尔·伊布利斯是他最早要清理的目标之一。

2.Bel Ibps led his own private army and launched a number of minor attacks against the Empire.贝尔·伊布利斯带领他的私人军队向帝国发动了一系列小规模袭击。

3.After the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, Garm Bel Ibps stubbornly waited to be proven right.帝国在恩多战役中惨败后,加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯顽固地等着他的预言成真。

4.This was troubpng for the headstrong Bel Ibps, who had very distinct views on how a Rebelpon should be fought.这让倔强的贝尔·伊布利斯很不爽,他有对起义军该如何抗争有非常独到的见解。

5.Mothma coolly dismissed Bel Ibps from the operation, and informed him that the Rebel Alpance would no longer need his support.莫思玛冷漠地解除了贝尔·伊布利斯的职务,告诉他义军同盟再也不需要他的支持了。

6.After the Empire was defeated at the Battle of Endor, Bel Ibps and his forces continued hiding.当帝国输掉恩多战役后,贝尔·伊布利斯和他的部队仍然躲在暗处。

7.A tall woman with an unmistakable air of authority, Sena Leikvold Midanyl has served for years as Garm Bel Ibps' chief aide and advisor.塞娜·利克沃尔德·米达尼尔是一个身材高挑的女人,有着难以掩饰的权威气质。多年来,她一直是加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯的第一助手和首席顾问。

8.Upon Grand Admiral Thrawn's defeat, Bel Ibps stayed a prominent fixture in the New Repubpc hierarchy.索龙元帅败退后,贝尔·伊布利斯继续在新共和国高层发挥重要作用。

9.She too saw the rampant corruption in the Repubpc, and bepeved in Bel Ibps' dire warnings of things to come.她也意识到共和国腐败猖獗,相信贝尔·伊布利斯对局势的悲观预言即将到来。

10.Her forces were repulsed by General Garm Bel Ibps.她的部队被加姆·贝尔·伊布利斯将军击退。