


美式发音: [ˈʌpɪti] 英式发音: [ˈʌpəti]








1.傲慢的;自视甚高(而不服从)的behaving as if you are more important than you really are, especially when this means that you refuse to obey orders


adj.1.<spoken>Same as uppisstrong.behaving in a way that shows that you think you are more important than other people

1.自负的 uppish 高傲的 uppity 自负的 upraise 举起 ...

2.傲慢的 insinuate 暗示、迂回进行 uppity 傲慢的 obsequious 顺从的 ...

3.盛气凌人的 Up pish 傲慢的,自命不凡的 Uppity 自负的,盛气凌人的 Veg out 悠闲,无所事事 ...

4.火狐向上一层扩展 ... [火狐扩展] 火狐向上一层扩展 Uppity 1.5.8 [火狐扩展] 火狐炫彩标签插件 FabTabs 1.4.5 ...


1.Men hate an "uppity" woman; they also hate an "aggressive" woman. Ours has been a Jane Crow society for several thousands of years.男人不喜欢“盛气凌人”的女人,也不喜欢“敢作敢为”的女人。千百年来。我们的社会一直是个。

2.As long as you keep her as a casual girlfriend and not a wife, if she gets too uppity you can simply walk away, free and clear.只要她是你普通的女友而不是妻子,一旦她让你不爽,分手就是了,一清二白。

3.I thought perhaps he would resent the intrusion (he'd been my ad hoc mentor, after all, and I didn't want to appear uppity).我想可能他会讨厌别人评价他的文章(毕竟他曾是我写作生涯上的指导者,我不想表现得太盛气凌人)。

4.Don't be so uppity . You don't think we're good enough for you?不要自以不起。你难道认为配不上你吗?

5.This has been portrayed as a trivial matter being pursued by some cynical and uppity Americans who don't know their place.这被描绘成了一桩鸡毛蒜皮的小事,只有某些愤世嫉俗,不知天高地厚,不掂掂自己斤两的美国人在那里执着的追根问底。

6.Fearing a power grab, the prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, sacked his uppity deputy and imposed capital controls.由于害怕被夺权,总理马哈迪•穆罕默德解雇了自负的副总理,加强了资金控制。

7.And maybe she's an uppity, "better than everyone" superskank.也可能她是个高傲女“比所有人都优秀”真扯蛋

8.Where his uppity energy once inspired the country's voters, today it seems merely to annoy.他那曾经盛气凌人的傲气曾经激励着该国的投票者,如今那看起来令人反感。

9.His uppity sister-in-law had it coming to her.他那自负的小姨子活该。

10.Men hate an "uppity" woman; they also hate an "aggressive" woman.男人们不喜欢〞傲慢的女人〞,也不喜欢〞敢作敢为的〞女人。