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网络释义:香港廉政公署(Independent Commission Against Corruption);国际棉花咨询委员会(International Cotton Advisory Committee);国际棉业谘询委员会



n.1.a New South Wales body set up to investigate corruption in the popce force.

1.香港廉政公署(Independent Commission Against Corruption)香港廉政公署ICAC),在国际上享有高度清廉的美誉,而在香港市民眼中,更是觉得“香港胜在有ICAC”(Independent Commi…

2.国际棉花咨询委员会(International Cotton Advisory Committee)国际棉花咨询委员会(ICAC)是一家政府间组织。该委员会本月报告称“中国大举买入”,原因是北京补充其国家棉花储备。

3.国际棉业谘询委员会  国际棉业谘询委员会(ICAC)执行长Terry Townsend盛赞澳洲是”国际棉花产业的支柱”,因为澳洲有高品质的棉花、有效率的银 …

4.廉政专员公署另外,麦理浩成立总督特派廉政专员公署ICAC)打击政府内严重的贪污问题。部份警员曾因为廉政公署的严厉行动而一度以 …

5.廉署IT 与廉署(ICAC), 究竟两者有何关系呢 张疛心情也变 轻松,那瑝然,们对ICAC 疛资讯离技发展戙了更家深厚疛认识。

6.国际棉花谘询委员会据国际棉花谘询委员会(ICAC)最新报告,2011/2012年度,全球棉花产量将扩大,但是价格较高以及化学纤维的竞争,预期限制 …


1.The Community Relations Department of the ICAC is always ready to offer our preventive service and assistance.廉署社区关系处很乐意提供相关的服务和协助。

2.Upon receipt of a corruption complaint against a civil servant , will the ICAC inform his Head of Department ?廉署若接获涉及某公务员的贪污举报,会否将举报告知其部门首长?。

3.The ICAC said it had worked in close paison with the Jockey Club and that the investigation was continuing.廉署表示他们一直和赛马会紧密联系,调查仍在进行。

4.It is not my intention in this Newsletter to carry out a full comparison of the ICAC against international standards or existing practice .本人不打算在这通讯里将国际标准或现行做法跟廉署的作详细比较。

5.But the ICAC as an organisation had changed. It was now an internationally renowned law enforcement agency operating in a global capacity.如今它已成为国际知名的执法机关,在全球打击贪污的工作上扮演重要角色。

6.On our part , I can assure you that the ICAC will always be ready to provide you with our full support .在廉署方面来说,我可以保证,廉署必定会在防贪工作上给予各位全力支持。

7.Reports on the investigation of such complaints will be considered by an independent ICAC Complaints Committee.这类投诉的调查报告,会由一个独立的廉政公署事宜投诉委员会审议。

8.The ICAC noted there had not been any worsening of corruption among popce.廉署表示警员贪污问题未有恶化迹象。

9.And despite its past achievements, the ICAC has always been striving to improve itself to becoming a more effective anti-corruption agency.尽管过往已取得很大的成就,廉署仍不断努力改进,务求成为更高效率的反贪污机构。

10.Both men appeared calm as they were arrested, requesting only time for a change of clothes before leaving with the ICAC officers.逮捕时他俩均表现镇定,要求调查人员稍候,换过衣服才随他们到廉署去。