

ice water

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1.冰水(饮料)water with ice in it for drinking

— see alsoiced water


n.1.a drink of very cold water with small pieces of ice in it

1.冰水较长的所谓恒温区,区内温度差须控制在5度以下。另外,热电偶信号需要校正,在环路上加个冷端(ice-water)或室温补偿热 …


1.At the top of a rise, I looked up to see my 12-year-old son standing there, a smile on his face and a glass of ice water in his hand.在一个小草坡上,我抬起头看见我那12岁的儿子正站在那里。他脸上挂着一丝微笑,手里拿着一个装满冰水的玻璃杯。

2.Instead of reaching for coffee or tea, grab a cup of ice water or bring your own plastic water bottle with you and drink from it all day.如果不想去喝咖啡或是茶,那就去拿一杯冰水或者自己带一个塑料水壶然后一整天都用它喝水。

3.This type of eating evaporates when the sun comes out; suddenly everyone offers salads and ice water and expects it to be satisfying.等太阳出来了就不使用这种吃法了,猛然间每个人都吃沙拉以及冰水,认为这就能使人满意了。

4.Do you know a taste of missing, as if you drink a mug of ice water and then spend a long time to melt into hottish tear.你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。

5.The head table had several flower arrangements, large glass pitchers of ice water, and a microphone on a table-top stand.贵宾桌上摆放了几束花,盛冰水的大玻璃瓶,还架着一支话筒。

6.But then he wakes up crying, as if someone has just poured a bucket of ice water on him.但他醒过来时就会哭,仿佛有人刚刚对着他泼了一桶冰水。

7.Set up an ice bath. Place a medium bowl in the ice water and set a fine mesh strainer over the bowl.准备一个冰盆,冰盆上放一个碗,碗上放一个细筛。

8.Pour custard through a medium-mesh sieve into a bowl set in ice-water bath. Let cool completely, stirring often.通过中筛网把奶油冻倒入冰水盆内的碗中.让它完全冷却,这常常时最为激动人心的时刻了。

9.You can also blanch them in boipng water for 30 seconds to a minute and then place them into a large bowl of ice water.也可以在沸水中烫洗30秒到1分钟再把它们放进一大碗冰水中。

10.The hot solution is then poured through a fine copper sieve, with stirring, into 30 l. of ice water.然后将(热板上的)热溶液通过铜筛边搅拌边倒入30(公)升的冰水中。