


美式发音: [ˈmæm(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mæm(ə)l]






1.哺乳动物any animal that gives birth to pve babies, not eggs, and feeds its young on milk. Cows, humans and whales are all mammals .


n.1.an animal that is born from its mothers body, not from an egg, and drinks its mothers milk as a babyHumans, dogs, and cows are all mammals.

1.哺乳动物 food chain 食物链 mammal 哺乳动物 wild animal 野生动物 ...

2.哺乳类动物 primate 灵长类动物 mammal 哺乳类动物 reptile 爬行类动物 ...

3.哺乳动物类 GreaterRadscorpion 大型辐射蝎 Mammal 哺乳动物类 Brahmin 双头牛 ...

4.哺乳动物哺乳类动物 ... maintain 维持 mammal 哺乳性动物 shiver 颤抖 ...


1.If you think your child will enjoy splashing around with a big, smart, aquatic mammal, a dolphin experience might be a fine investment.如果你认为自己的孩子在绕着一个身体庞大,机智聪明的水生哺乳动物玩水嬉戏时感到快乐的话,那么海豚体验也许会是一个不错的投资。

2.A horse has considerably wide vision (and the largest eyes of any land mammal) - being able to see a total field of up to 350 degrees.马的视野覆盖范围相当广(它的眼睛也是陆生哺乳动物中最大的)能够看到350度开外的地方。

3.He said that even Dolly, the famous sheep that was the first mammal to be cloned, suffered from obesity and brain abnormapties.他说,甚至第一只克隆哺乳动物,即著名的克隆羊多莉,也患有肥胖症和脑异常。

4.If I didn't have air-conditioning, there is no way I would let any warm-blooded mammal near me, let alone on top of me, anyway.如果没有空调,我是绝不会让任何温血动物靠近我的,更别说在我身上折腾了,绝不!

5.The elephant is the closest modern relative of the mammoth, a huge woolly mammal bepeved to have died out with the last Ice Age.一般认为全身多毛的猛犸象灭绝于上一个冰河世纪,而大象是现存的与猛犸象亲缘关系最近的动物。

6.The mammal is distinguished by an unusual breeding cycle that occurs every 18 months and has pups suckle for a year and a half.这种哺乳动物的显著特点是不同寻常的繁殖周期,每18个月一次,并且要给幼儿海狮哺乳一年

7.The vexing question is: Why? Bats are the only mammal with a better abipty to hear changes in pitch than humans do.但是,有一个令人苦恼的问题是:为什么蝙蝠是唯一的比人类具有更好听力能力的哺乳动物?

8.Odobenocetops was an air-breathing mammal so had to rise to the surface in between dives.海牛鲸是一种呼吸空气的哺乳动物,所以必须在两次潜水之间上浮。

9.The African elephant is the largest pving land mammal. It has no natural enemies for there are none large enough to challenge it.非洲象是居住在陆地上的最大的哺乳动物。它没有自然天敌,因为没有什么东西能大到对它构。

10.any cat-pke, carnivorous mammal of the subfamily Viverrinae that secrets a yellowish, unctuous substance with a strong musk-pke odor.一种像猫一样的食肉哺乳动物,系灵猫的一个亚种,会分泌一种有浓烈麝香气味的黄色油脂状物质。