


美式发音: [ˌaɪ si ˈju] 英式发音: [ˌaɪ siː ˈjuː]

abbr.(=intensive care unit)特别医疗单位

网络释义:重症监护病房(intensive care unit);重症监护室;重症医学科

复数:ICUs  同义词

n.intensive care unit,intensive care,ward,unit,department



1.特别护理病房;重症监护室;加护病房intensive care unit (in a hospital)

abbr.1.(=intensive care unit)特别医疗单位

abbr.1.(=intensive care unit)

n.1.an intensive care unit in a hospital

1.重症监护病房(intensive care unit)规委员会修订 一、背景说明: 呼吸器病患照顾是现代加护病房(ICU)中必要服务项目,该类病患照护品质除现行医策会公布之I…

5.医院重症监护室-武汉红桥脑科医院重症监护室(ICU)带头人,护士-武汉南威中西结合医院放射科医生,检验科医生 -武汉市惠爱心理医院B超医 …


1.Objective To understand the medical care in a hospital ICU (neurological) outbreak of hospital infection risk factors.目的了解某院神经内科重症监护室(ICU)暴发流行医院感染的危险因素。

2.Admission to intensive care unit (ICU) was the secondary outcome measure and a surrogate measure of morbidity.次要指标为入住重症监护病房(ICU),并将此作为发病率的替代指标。

3.The heart rate, blood pressure, anti-hypertension drug dosage, fentanyl dosage and duration in ICU were compared between the 2 groups.比较两组患者的心率、血压、降压药物使用情况、芬太尼用量、住重症监护病房(ICU)时间等。

4.Today, I sit in a surgical ICU beside my favorite Jack as he recovers from a five-hour operation to repair a massive aortic aneurysm.今天我正坐在外科护理组的病房里,旁边是我最爱的人杰克,他正在从一个长达四五个小时的大动脉瘤手术中慢慢苏醒。

5.METHODS: This was a prospective observational study in the ICUs of a 300-bed and a 600-bed community hospital.方法:这是一项在一所300张床位和一所600张床位的社区医院ICU中进行的前瞻性观察性研究。

6.Finally, after she had spent six weeks in the ICU, I told the family there was nothing else we could do, and I offered to pray with them.最后,她在重症监护病房住了六周之后,我告诉她的家属我们已经无能为力,并且提出和他们一起为病人祷告。

7.Available data suggest that the body's requirement for glutamine may exceed its endogenous production in certain ICU patients.现有数据提示某些ICU患者对谷氨酰胺的需求有可能超过其内源性生成量。

8.Over the next five weeks in the ICU, a wave of secondary infections, also acquired in the hospital, overwhelmed his defenses.在未来五年在加护病房,有继发感染的浪潮,也在医院获得星期,压倒他的防御。

9.OBJECTIVE To understand environmental factors which cause nosocomial infection in ICU.目的了解引起重症监护病房(ICU)医院感染的环境因素。

10.Intensive ICU treatment, including mechanical ventilation, did not lead to recovery.密集的加护病房治疗,其中包括机械通气,并没有导致复苏。